
38 weeks

Holy motherfucking shit. Two more weeks. Do I have to stop saying things like holy motherfucking shit after I have a baby?

I see the doctor weekly. Yesterday she checked me and I'm 2 cm dialated. Before I left she said "see you in a week...if not before!" But 2 cm really isn't anything, and I haven't had anything resembling a contraction. I'm hoping she won't come this week because my parents are out of town. They're in Boston visiting my godfather, and they went with their best friends. My parents have such an awesome social life. My mom's best friend has been her best friend since kindergarten, and I can only hope to have such strong bonds with the same people into my 60s. I'm actually quite jealous of their ridiculously full social life. Lately mine has been lame at best. Is it weird that I thought people would start rallying around me during the last few weeks of pregnancy? People have been oddly quiet. Then again, I'm convinced half of my friends don't even like me anymore. But that could be the raging hormones speaking. Yelling, really.

It would be nice to go into labor on Monday, the 8th. Please send me lots of good juju for getting a jacuzzi tub birthing suite, as there are only two and they're first come, first serve. When I told my doctor how much I wanted one, she said "they're so messy." I'm not sure how to interpret that...messy because water sloshes everywhere? It's just water. Unless my water breaks in there, then...yes. Messy. Still want one, though.

My belly has officially "popped." I look pregnant, not just fat. My belly is really hard and enormous and you have no idea how hard it is to shave your legs in this condition. And I can only guess what the crotchal hair situation is looking like. Shaving by feel is not so effective. All I know is that I really must do my best to examine it and if needed, call Micah in for back-up. In who knows how many days, there will be a multitude of strangers looking at the 'jay and I'd rather not look like a crazed lumberjack did my grooming.

I finally gained some weight! After about 35 weeks of staying the same, I'm now up ten pounds in the last three weeks. The doctor says it's all baby, and after I give birth I'll weigh less than when I started. Sah-weet.

Now if I can just figure out how I'm going to finish this term at school. The final project (three 3-4 page papers) is due six days after my due date. Shall be interesting.

That's all I have for today. Back to waiting for something, anything to start moving down there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eee! How exciting!