
jot it down

- The saddest occasion (which happens all the time)? The baby is sleeping on me, Micah is sleeping in the other room, and Avery isn't trained to fetch the remote, which is always just far enough out of reach that I can't do a McGyver to get it. (Developing your inner McGyver, by the way, is a requirement of having a baby.) I have been stuck watching some unbearable shit. I have the infomercials for Extenze (for that certain male body part), the Bender Ball, and this one mineral makeup, totally memorized. I need to learn to throw heavy things squarely at the power button on the tv.

- Must start picking my own lottery numbers. Some couple just won using their grandkids' birthdays. And I'm noticing that if you get more than one line on a Powerball ticket (line meaning chance to win) the Powerball number is often the same! Horseshit!

- Are you watching that show In Treatment on HBO? Homigod, it's become an obsession. It doesn't help that they put all five weekly episodes On Demand before they even air each week! I like watching it in the middle of the night when every one seems to be able to sleep except me. It makes me want to be back in therapy...but only if Gabriel Byrne is the therapist.

I love it when Sasha:
- plays with my shirt when she's nursing. I only have one shirt with a busy pattern on it, and it happens to be very soft, so when I wear it she stares, mesmerized, while her hands work it like she's knitting me socks.
- tries to eat my nose
- LAUGHS! OMFG you guys, she LAUGHED, just one little donkey-braying syllable, after which my entire body melted into a pool on the floor and Micah had to scrape me up before the dog licked up my left leg.
- wears a dress. It's a rare occasion but it needs to become regular.
- watches the dog. And watches the dog more. And more and more and more. She finds Avery fascinating. If he only knew! He's too busy being fascinated with me.
- screams. She totally gears herself up for it. Her breathing gets heavier, her arms and legs start to flail, and then she lets out a couple starter screams. When she really gets going, she screams so loud that she even startles herself.

I do not love it when Sasha:
- has gas. She basically groaned ALL DAY yesterday. I know it's the new food.
- is tired. Insufferable little squirt.

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