
The Boy

I know I am loved and people want to see me happy. Oh, the happiness, my dears. It is bountiful. But no one knows him, this man who is procuring such happiness, because we've been love nesting for awhile. And my faraway friends know very little about him, other than what I gush about in emails that tend to get lengthy because I do nothing at work, but those details usually involve generalized personality traits and not the minutiae, his inner tickings, and we all know that's the good stuff. What I'd like to do is dish some details about him in an effort to let everyone see why they should love him too. Maybe tell a secret or twenty. I'll try not to gush overtly as it is Sunday and some of you might be hungover with compromised stomach situations.

1) Let's just establish that I'm going to call him M.
2) M. can mesh with my friends! This is huge. I honestly thought I was one of those people who couldn't mix my friends with my lovers. Turns out I just hadn't found the right guy yet. He says goodbye to them using their names and discusses various home projects he could help them with. He smiles a lot and genuinely enjoys their company. I'm hoping they feel the same.
3) M. knows A LOT about Pink Floyd. A veritable encyclopedia. For some reason I attract guys that are way into classic rock and have never heard of most bands with hits within the last three years. They rarely listen the radio and keep volumes upon volumes of CDs in their trucks.
4) Despite the fact that M. likes older music, he knows a lot of pop culture stuff. Just last night we were watching Law & Order SVU, and M. said "Did you know she's Jayne Mansfield's daughter?" and I was very impressed. He hates local news like me but will watch CNN for hours.
5) He loves the tv show Dr. Who, which to my great dismay has made a comeback. I patently refuse to watch it with him, and it makes him a little sad. I've tried to watch, I really have, because I'm giving like that. But no. In fact, I've had to warn him that if it's on the SciFi channel I could probably care less.
6) M.'s mother died when he was four years old. She was in a car accident and M.'s oldest sister was driving.
7) His father died when he was 19.
8) He is the baby of the family. He has two brothers and two sisters, and the brother closest in age is ten years older and M.'s best friend.
9) His mother was gorgeous. He looks just like her. His says his father is mostly Irish but he looks...Hungarian, perhaps.
10) M.'s maternal great-grandfather was fullblood Black Foot Indian.
11) M. lays concrete, specializes in "finishing" and is very good at it. He gets called to difficult and important jobs where they need to make sure it looks fantastic. He takes great pride in his work and actually loves his job, which is an attitude I've never known a boyfriend to have.
12) He is very, very strong.
13) He's a Cancer, which means he enjoys spending most of his time at homes, loves to provide financially, and always finishes what he starts (and subsequently can't understand why I abandon my drinks with a sip left in the bottom of my cup. He seriously gets flustered.)
14) He has a Milli Vanilli CD. I enjoy this CD more than I should, but to be honest, he feels no shame at all. Tell me that's not more endearing than horrid.
15) I have never met anyone that loves chocolate more than M. He would probably drink a carton of Chocolate Soy Milk every day if it kept magically appearing in the fridge. He ate the large chocolate bunny from my Easter basket after devouring his own minutes earlier (my aunt made him a basket! How cute is that!). When I brought us home each a piece of cheesecake from the coffeehouse he forked all the way through his piece of Double Chocolate, which is a serious piece of cheesecake, by the time I was half finished with my piece of Keylime. However, M. will not eat a bite of chocolate if he doesn't have a tall glass of milk at the ready. Will not.
16) Much like the Jayne Mansfield comment, he is always pleasantly surprising me with bits of trivia or facts or just random things that I would never have guessed he knew. I was used to being around a guy who would stare blankly at me while I talked about movie stars. This is a nice change.
17) A computer is basically a box of mystery to him. He can't even use a mouse. At first this shocked me and I worried a bit, because I never pictured myself with someone who is computerally inept, but I actually don't mind. He works hard outside all day and has no use for a computer. He buys his CDs in actual stores. There is nothing wrong with any of this. It's refreshing. And he thinks I'm like the most genius computer user ever, which is comical.
18) He wakes up without an alarm clock at 5:30am everyday.
19) He's 32 and will be 33 in July. Older man = just what I need.
20) M. likes to clean. Halle-fucking-lujah. 500 times over.
21) When asked last night if he'd be okay with going to the lesbian bar, he said "If it's okay that I'm there." That's just way too cute.
22) He HATES for anything to constrict his neck in the slightest. This led to a nasty habit of creating very deep v-neck t-shirts by ripping them down the middle. While practical for work because who the fuck cares when you're ankle deep in quickly hardening concrete, every fashion-concious atom in my body was mortified. Luckily, he wants to look good and takes pride in his appearance, so he's accepting of the new items I keep adding to his wardrobe. We've now agreed that there are work shirts and shirts for after work, and I try not to feel like a snooty bitch.

That's all for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later. This blogging thang is fun!

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