
too damn early

as in, it's 7:30 on a Sunday morning, and I have no laptop which means I'm officially out of bed. It just ain't right. It's a horrible feeling, actually, because I know this means I'll need a nap this afternoon. I can't decide if that makes me a toddler or an old fart. Sometimes if I get good and drunk the night before, I have trouble sleeping in. But last night was one of those nights where I drank four Sex on the Beaches, one fruit punchy shot, and two beers and I STILL DON'T FEEL ANYTHING nights. Those nights make me sad. However, I am newly addicted to the shuffleboard game with the discs and the salt grain-type substance that they have in bars. SO FUN. Another game for my fantasy When I Get Rich room. Also included: a full bar of alcohol nestled behind an actual bar (with stools that swivel!) a pool table, a pinball machine, a big fancy dart board, a tv as wide as my wingspan and and original Nintendo so I can get my Tetris on. Possibly I'll have 10 pairs of moon shoes so we can all bounce around and try to knock each other over.

I don't know why my first post posted twice. When it comes down to it, I just might be that stupid. One of my best friends has her own website - and it's fancy - and I can barely manage to get a free, no frills blog going. And it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that she's in school getting her PhD and I...well, I barely made it through community college. It's called Discipline and I have none.

Please bear with me while I try to get my blogging legs under me.


Gabby said...

Oh jesum. I'm commenting on my own blog. I just wanted to test this bad boy out. Also, I fixed the post that posted twice! I am learning, I am!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, babe.

Oh, and Tetris is the one game I downloaded to my cellphone.

Anonymous said...

I say blogging is perfect for you, you narcissistic ego maniacal equistrian. You know I'm kidding, you're probably the least narcissistic of us all, especially me.

Anonymous said...

Damn! I wanted to be the first one to comment. Now I have 3 blogs that i can check and double check and triple check every day while I am also doing next to nothing at work. Love the M post by the way. Can't wait to read more!!!!!


Anonymous said...

the inevitable is incredible. now where's the novel? just kidding mate. all in good time. i cant wait to read more. i liked "the boy"
