
coming up with titles really sucks my elbow

So I know I just went off on Victoria Beckham for never smiling, but I would like to redact that statement. I actually watched her Coming to America show, or whatever it was called, and I was captivated. Not only do I love her overuse of the word "major" (as in "wow, that woman has a major personality!") I found her charming and funny as well. I know she was probably playing it up for the cameras, but I still feel like I saw a side to her that didn't make me want to force-feed her a juicy T-bone in between smacks upon the cheek. Yeah, she's rich and spoiled and impossibly thin, but I don't so much have a problem with that. That scene where she gets invited to a lunch with the neighborhood Socialites (as they call themselves) and then gets drunk while analyzing them in voiceovers was priceless. I mean, those women could not have had more surgery. Could not. They scared me, and I'll betcha five bucks they scared Victoria, too. Those women were major.

Unbelieveably, it's like 80 degrees today and not humid at all. Just thought I'd mention that, seeing how it's nearly the end of July.

Which means I have a week and half to get ready to move. I'm pretty excited about it, even though the move is basically a downgrade. I'm really getting into getting rid of stuff. The crate of crap I'm taking to Goodwill is practically full, and I'm not finished. I'm also rewarding all of this crap removal by slowly purchasing affordable things that will spiff up the apartment a bit, such as new curtains, a shoe rack that hangs on the door, a bamboo rug for the bedroom, etc. I really, really love moving. I can't believe I managed to stay in that apartment for TWO YEARS. I haven't lived anywhere that long since my parents' house.

Some things to do this weekend:

- Celebrate Shelly's birthday with some mini-golf! WOOT!
- Crack open the Borat DVD I bought Micah for his birthday.
- Possibly swim, if it gets hot enough. I love that I can even say that!
- More packing, organizing, chucking.
- Watch Meadowlands, a new show on (I think) Showtime. Rosie O' gives it the thumbs up, and I am nothing if not her biggest fan. Oh, you didn't know? I read her blog every day. Love.

Oh, and from the positive responses I got about that poetry I posted (though of course y'all never use that handy COMMENT feature) I think I might start writing a weekly...thing. Just a...thing. Either poetry or prose or a bit of fiction...something that keeps my creative wheels greased. Because I love having a blog, but sometimes when I reread what I've just written I'm all meh about it. I'd like to try to impress myself and not just get some cheap laughs. Not that you all are cheap. Au contraire, you are luxurious. I'm the cheap one.

Over and out.

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