
nope, not about pregnancy!

Just a few thoughts:

- Have you watched JT's concert special on HBO? If you have to ask who JT is, probably not. I watched most of it the other day, and damn that boy is foyne. So cute. (Why did I watch only most of it? Micah came home and I felt like I had been caught, somehow, and I turned it off. The drooling gave me away, huh?) It was about time for JT to make a little comeback, show those moves and bust out the most masculine falsetto imaginable. He's the only person who can pull off white shoes with a dark suit, which, skillz. Even though lately the tabloids have been saying he's kind of rude and arrogant, I couldn't care less. And the Jessica Biel thing? Hawt.

- Have you watched Californication on Showtime? You should. David Duchovny is precious. Though you will feel squicky when you realize the teenage nympho is the daughter from The Hand That Rocks the Cradle. Have you watched Tell Me You Love Me on HBO? You should. It will make you feel like you have the best relationship in the universe.

- I'm glad I'm apparently not the only one who feels bad for BritBrit. I want to see her make a comeback and I believe she can, provided she gets her head out of her cooch. Her head, by the way, is the #1 issue she should be dealing with (aside from the bebes, I guess). Why the fuck can't she rock the short hair? A sharp blond bob, perhaps? How can someone that rich have such terrible extensions? And have you seen her delicate wig dancing? Totally afraid that mug is going to fly off. Ugh. Now I'm getting all worked up. Leave Britney alone! (If you don't get that reference, you should watch The Soup a little more. Or look it up on youtube.)

- How excited am I that Knocked Up came out on DVD yesterday? I never made it to the theater when it was out even though everyone told me to go see it. Shit, was that about pregnancy?

- If you're out there, Hei-Ho The Dairio, have you watched the new crosswords gameshow on the WB? If they shoot it in LA, you should go be a contestant. Really. Silly not to.

- Ha ha, remember awhile ago when I was bragging about my grades? Turns out I had some very easy-to-please professors that term. I think some professors might grade on how well you do compared to the rest of class and others compare you to, I dunno, standards of excellence. I'm doing well this term, but when I got a 93 on a paper (whereas last term all I had to do was spell my name correctly and get 100), I was furious. I'm such a brat. I got spoiled by subjective professors when I what I really needed was for someone to challenge me. Fucking christ, did I just say that?

- I am taking a term off after the baby comes, but I would like to start reading again to keep my brain busy. Do you have any suggestions for me? I'm not ashamed to admit I have preordered Rosie's new book. Also on the way is an Anne Lamott book because I've heard great things about her and just found out she has a book about life after childbirth. I've wanted to read The Corrections forever, so maybe I'll do that. Even though the title scares me, I've heard Eat, Pray, Love is good. Anyway. Recommendations for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a crossword gameshow?!? no, i hadn't heard, but you have been elevated to the position of favorite-person-in-the-world for letting me know! i think anna has been running out of jeopardy! jokes, so she'll be glad to have something new to make fun of... thanks from both of us.
