
home sweet oh neverfuckinmind

Oh jeezum, here we go again. There's something that I want. When I want something, I usually want it RIGHT NOW. I'm impatient, but I'm also a really good initiator. I am fucking fantastic at getting projects off the ground. When I want something, I usually get it. I am absolutely convinced I could get just about anything in 24 hours if I really try hard enough.

I WANT A HOUSE. If there is anything more annoying to want RIGHTNOW, please tell me what it is. And yes, serendipity can be forced. It wouldn't take a miracle to line up a house in a day, but poor, poor Micah would beg me to back the fuck up for a second. Because girl, you cuh-razy.

Our apartment building was recently sold. Immediately the new owners announced they'd be installing central air, heat, and new windows. Living with these updates has been less than ideal. Workers of all varieties show up to do their little bit almost every day, with little to no warning. Sasha has been woken up by drills, hammers, and unobservant workers who want to coo at her loudly. Micah and I have been...uh...interrupted. So has breastfeeding. The workers leave the place dusty, even when I offer to move furniture so it won't get that way. There is no end in sight to these updates. We never would have moved here if we knew this would happen.

And there is simply no one to blame but me about picking a place with such a shitty fucking kitchen. I literally have this much space to cook. One tiny square of counter. I'm pretty sure the refrigerator was the very first model on the market.


So. What did I do? Well last week I spent a few days looking for houses online. I made a short list, and Micah and I drove to see them. Deciding that one was absolutely perfect, and cheap! cheap! cheap!, I called the agent. The house had eight other offers. We hadn't even been approved for a loan yet. I got pissed, discouraged, and suddenly the idea of getting a house seemed like nothing but heartache. We'll probably be looking at foreclosures, which are owned by banks, which can take two weeks to decided and they almost never bargain. Fabulous. I don't understand how so many people live in such expensive houses. I know most people aren't rich. But why does it seem so unfair that we can't afford a $200,000 house even though that's totally a lower-than-average price here? Are people just that in debt? I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it. I deserve a $200,000 house. It's not so ridiculous.

Then Brenda tells us that her elderly neighbor just moved into a nursing home. The house wasn't on the market yet. It has 3 bedrooms, just like we want. It's two doors down from family (babysitters!). I'm seriously hoping Brenda will work some magic on them. Who wants to put a house on the market when there are buyers available? Even if it means taking less than you think the house is worth, wouldn't you do it? Please, please...send the good juju.



Anonymous said...

It sounds like a wonderful idea! Go for it! I am very envious of you three.


Wendy said...

Is your current kitchen worse than the Benton Park kitchen? Worse than this one that Jon and I have? Don't you wish these apartment designers were a little more considerate of people who needed to cook?

Well, as someone who just left a now-foreclosed house, I say rent until you have tons of money saved for a down payment. Like 20% down or something. And never get a 2nd mortgage or a home equity line of credit.

Because honestly? All that work your new landlords are doing will be done soon and your apartment will be much nicer. New windows?? I would KILL for new windows.