
just entertaining myself, nothing important

I saw this on a blog and I'm totally stealing it.

10 Years Ago: I was sixteen and school was almost out for the summer. It would be the first summer with a lot of freedom because I just got my driver's license. I think we went to MoKaBe's a whole bunch and played pool. I was in the middle of forging the best friendships I've ever had in my life. I was also on Zoloft and my body ballooned a bit as a result, but in the end it helped me immensely. I quit taking it when I went to college without consulting a doctor first, and it was a great decision.
5 Years Ago: I had just turned 21. I was getting ready to move into a townhouse with my brother, which coincided with my parents moving full-time out to Innsbrook (an hour away). They wanted a place to stay when they didn't feel like driving all the way home, so they had their own room in the townhouse. NOT a fun situation. They showed up whenever they wanted, which seriously irked me. This was all my mother's idea, which I believe she concocted after a certain ex-boyfriend of mine decided to rearrange my face. I think she liked to believe that I was safer living with my brother, which I probably was. ANYWAY.
1 Year Ago: I was living in Chicago with Noe D, but we decided to move back to St. Louis. I do believe about a year ago to the week Dave and I broke up over the phone (while I was at work). This was after we'd been apart for a year and a half, and even though I told him that he was a major reason I was moving back, I guess I didn't really mean it. He was afraid to tell me he wanted to break up because I was moving back, but I gave him an out. He seemed really down on the phone and I said "Are you okay?" and he said "I don't know," and I said "Would you be better if we weren't together?" and he said "I think so," and that was that. It was quite civil. Lots of promises to stay friends blah blah. Does anyone actually believe that shit? But look at me now, a year later, happier than a pig in cold mud.
Yesterday: Went to a great party at Kim & Jacky's new apartment! So cool! It really does look fantastic. I also found out it has been approved that I help the other receptionist with her unbelievable work load. I do nothing, she gets no relief. We're trying to balance that out, even though it means her division will now be paying part of my salary! Whatevs. I'm just glad I'll have something to do!
Today: Had totally unhealthy breakfast at South City Diner. We ate on the patio and the sun beat down on my back but it actually felt good because it wasn't hot yet. Our waitress had about 15 piercings in her face but was wearing a poodle skirt, which made me a little giddy. Had some relations with my man friend. I won't go on about that because you all would probably wretch.
Tomorrow: Endless possibilities! Okay, not really. I hate Sundays. I always feel the pressure to clean or dust or wash something but I can't say that actually happens. M and I go to bed pretty early and I don't think there's anything more disturbing than being wide awake at 7:00 on a Sunday morning. Fuck that shit. Except it happens all the time. If it's hot we might go swimming.
5 Snacks I enjoy: Quite possibly this list is only fun for me! Sorry! My favorite snacks...guacamole & chips, popsicles, pecans (M's fault, his brother has a store and sells fresh ones and they are SO GOOD), Bugles, and frozen grapes, which taste like little balls of grape sorbet. Good stuff.
I know MOST of all the lyrics by these 5 bands: Ani, Dave Matthews (and that's a feat, cuz the dude is incomprehensible), Tori Amos (ditto), Garth Brooks (shut the fuck up! we had a great thing going back in the day, and do you know how hard it is to forget lyrics?), and...shit, I dunno, u2?
5 Things I would do with $100,000,000: Quit my job and travel for at least a month. I'd say more but what would my kitties do? Seriously, they'd be SO MAD at me. Right now they've taken to shitting in undesignated areas when I lock them out of the bedroom for the night, so I can only imagine the punishment I'd get IF they even remembered me. Where was I? Right. I'd buy the house of my dreams and secure a nice beach house. I'd buy my nearest and dearest new houses. I'd get myself a ridiculously nice car. All the boring stuff.
5 Locations I’d like to run away to: Bali, the Adirondack mountains, Florence, Berlin, and Nova Scotia.
5 Bad Habits I have: smoking, laziness, procrastination, saying "dude," and watching totally ridiculous IQ-lowering reality tv.
5 Things I Like Doing: smoking, having sex, traveling, eating Mexican food, and playing board games. Definitely not in that order.
5 Things I would Never Wear: espadrilles, coulottes, gaucho pants, stiletto heels, or spandex.
5 TV Shows I like: the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, Big Love, 24, and Weeds.
5 Movies I like: Shag, Pulp Fiction, A Fish Called Wanda, Stand By Me, and the Royal Tenenbaums.
5 Famous People I’d Like To Meet: Ellen, Jon Stewart, Kate Winslet, Karen O, and Matthew McConaughey (I might even ask to smell his armpit.)
5 Biggest Joys at the Moment: my boyfriend, my friends, swimming, the AC in the bedroom (I'm still not over it) and popsicles.
5 Favorite Toys: the 20 Questions hand-held game (how THE FUCK does it know?), M's Sirius satellite radio, Taboo, computers, CD burners.

That was fun! I seriously need a popsicle now.

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