
where in the world is gabby san diego

yeah, i've been a little absent. i've had a major distraction, and it's been majorly distracting. everybody already knows, so i'm not even going to try to talk around it. there is an elopement on the horizon. but does it count as eloping if you tell everyone? i hope so.

i even told my mom last night. she was virtually the last to know. i was trying to think of a fun way to tell her but yesterday i just picked up the phone and called her and then told her there would be a wedding in las vegas. and she sure as hell knows it ain't gonna be jesse marrying lisa.

she's excited! she said take lots of pictures. then i swear i heard the cogs in her brain squeak into action as she realized THE RECEPTION. MUST PLAN. because we've talked about this. she knew it was going to happen. above all other persons she held clearance rights. if it wasn't kosh with the moms, fugget it. but cool with it she is, because after all, her thinks-she's-a-lesbian-no-wait-maybe-not-crap-she-got-beat-up-bad-what-if-she-goes-gay-again-wait-maybe-not-LORD-this-one-is-unmotivated-yes!-it's over!-oh-god-will-she-ever-be-happy-wait-maybe-so-YES-this-one-is-PERFECT daughter has found someone! YES! This one is PERFECT! (I'm sorry I made you sit through that sentence, bee tee dubbleyoo).

it's early, and i've already had IHOP.
p.s. don't get the crepes thinking they'll have crepey goodness in the middle. IHOP calls those cheese blintzes and if you don't like cottage cheese steer clear of those bad girls.

so! those familiar with st. louis, i have a wee request. where's a nice place to have a reception that won't cost my parents their first Goobie-born?
p.p.s. no, i'm not pregnant.


Anonymous said...

I have not been to too many receptions because all of my friends are gay, GAY! But my oldest sister had hers at Windows on Washington and the other had hers at the Living World at the St. Louis Zoo. I think those have to be reserved way in advance and I think they might be a wee bit pricey. What about Tower Grove? There always seems to be wedding stuff happening there? That might have to be booked way in advance also.

Anonymous said...

ok, so obviously you remember the show "where in the world is carmen san diego," but do you remember the "band" the trenchcoats from that show? they totally had a concert at my middle school. you know i was down with some a capella music about geography!

oh yeah, and YAY! you're getting married!!

Anonymous said...

oh, that was me, by the way :)


Anonymous said...

Yay on the future elopement!

And I have no clue about where to have a reception, sorry.