
handful of nothings

- whatever dramatic crap I discussed in the last post has fallen by the wayside. Micah is fine. He loves the puppy, finally, and admitted that he didn't have the right attitude about it when Avery first came home. I worry because when the weather is bad/too cold Micah doesn't work, and if he's home with the puppy he'll have to take care of the puppy, and I know part of the reason Micah cottoned to Avery is that I do all the walking. ALL. I don't mind at all, but when I leave and Micah doesn't that means he has to do what I normally do. He doesn't really have a choice. The puppy demands attention. Until he gets tired, that is, and then he is all too happy to put his chin on your thigh and fall asleep. He also doesn't mind being put in his crate (for the most part) which is a godsend when we just can't take another tooth to the flesh.

- I am a total control freak. What, you didn't know? I don't like the idea of Micah treating Avery's transgressions in a different way than I would. I don't like how he refuses to snap at the dog to put him in his place. Turns out the initial Cesar Milan attitude Micah had was just a front. He is a total pushover. I am the bitchy beast mom who makes him "DROP!" everything that might be slightly fun to chew on. I am the one who yelps loudly when he bites too hard. I encourage Micah to be mean - oh stop, I don't mean mean mean - because it will help the puppy know his boundaries and he'll grow up a more well behaved dog.

- good lord, my puppy is cute. Sosososo cute. My favorite cutenesses: when he walks around the apartment with something in his mouth and his tail and butt just wagwagwaggin', looking for a place to settle down; when he instantly calms down when I rub and scratch his tummy; when it's obvious he wants nothing more than to be on my lap; when he runs like a madman through the apartment for no fucking reason. So basically, all the time. He is cute all the fucking time.

- but holy FUCK, his teeth are sharp.

- 24 has begun again. What do you think? My initial reaction was "eh." I suppose it takes a few hours to get into the swing of the plot, but I have to say this whole terrorism theme is getting old. But when I thought about what else they could do I couldn't think of anything except presidential assasination, and how long could they really carry that out? The third and fourth hours were more enjoyable than the first and second and I know I'll keep watching, but I was prepared to be wowed and wasn't.

- That Sasha Baron Cohen is muy hot when not in his Borat get-up, yes?

- YES.

- So as I said earlier, Avery is teething. (I'm sorry I'm back to the puppy. You try getting a puppy and not talking about it every effing second.) He chews on everything. When I take him on walks he constantly grabs at things on the ground to carry. He doesn't chew when walking, just carries. Ketchup packets. Crumpled Jell-O cups. Doritos bags. NASTY. I don't want him all up in that stuff. Do you think he might have an oral fixation beyond the teething? After I snatch the contraband from his mouth he seriously can't walk five feet without picking up something else. I don't care about sticks and pine cones. Perhaps that's part of the problem - I let him carry natural stuff but not the trash - I doubt he knows the difference no matter how smart I think he is.

- Three job interviews scheduled, one completed. One that I really, really want. The first contact from this company came in the form of a phone call which was partly chatty but mostly bidness. The woman called me the next day to set up an interview, and when I went in there this morning the conversation was 80% chatty 20% bidness. Is that a good thing? Does that mean she's confident in my skills just from reading my history? Cross your fingers/say a prayer/juju hex the other candidates - whatever works. Thanks.

- If I get one more email about a Sales position from some random recruiter who's been trolling the web for sad folks without jobs! Ugh! It's so impersonal.

- Am I justified in being choosy about where these jobs are located? I'm very much opposed to driving more than 20 minutes to work, which is what I do now. It's bearable because I am always going the opposite direction of traffic. Most of the positions I've seen are in west county, which would take me at least 25 minutes, maybe more. I'm not down with that. Chicago traumatized me as far as the commuting goes.

- I actually applied to a company where my dad worked for at least ten years. Crazy.

- I miss my husband and my dog. MY DOG! What a sweet phrase! I want to be cuddled with them in bed right now. I miss my cats, who definitely miss me too. They stare at me from across the room as if to say "You skank whore, what is your major malfunction? We hate him." I feel so evil. It's like the cats don't exist anymore. I try to tell myself that things will be different when Avery's not a puppy anymore and doesn't need so much attention. I hope that's true. I try to make time for the cats but it's usually a few precious seconds until Avery comes bounding in and launches himself into my lap, launching the cats back to their respective high ground areas. There are small steps forward everyday, though - one cat likes to sniff around Avery when he's securely contained in his crate, and the other cat actually came within a foot of me when Avery was on my lap. Baby steps.

- I don't think I'm entertaining anyone but myself at this point. Off to my crossword puzzle.

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