


We got a puppy. Well, I got a puppy. Micah simply gave in. YESSSS.

My life is now complete, thank you very much!

What I know about him:
He was rescued from an abandoned house in Memphis. His brother and sister died of pneumonia. He was basically in a foster home situation when I found out about him on craigslist. I looked at this picture all weekend, then I looked at it all day yesterday while I was looking for a new job online (yes, I have to find a new job, ugh). I went to the ATM at lunch knowing he might be mine later in the day and maybe I should be prepared. When I arrived home, I started the process of convincing Micah we need a puppy. He knew it was coming, I'd been dreamy-eyed all weekend.

All Micah sees is the work involved in having a puppy. Of course, I laid it on pretty thick about how I'd clean up any messes and take the puppy out all the time. Part of the reason I wanted a dog is to have something to motivate me to walk a lot, so I need to teach Avery about the Leash concept, which he really resisted last night but accepted more this morning when I took him around the building to the back yard. At his foster home he was just let out the back door. Here on the second floor, it ain't gonna be that easy. But it's okay. I need to move more.

The vet thinks Avery is some kind of shepherd and border collie mix. His coat is very soft, and he has these lovely brown spots on his legs, which looks very border collie-ish. I think he's pretty smart - at 3 months he (basically) knows how to sit and that it's better to release fluids outside. That said, he peed once and pooed once inside. But! He pooed outside as well! Because I was very, very patient. When that anemic little turd finally arrived you'd have thought he shat diamonds, such was my glee. (It should be noted that the dog is not anemic. What I was trying to tell you is that the poo was so small it was almost not a poo.)

I changed his name, do you think that's ok? They called him Nicholas before...which...not only is that name shared by two of my cousins...it's not really a dog name. I think he's getting it, though. "Avery" is the only thing I say to him other than "outside?" and "go potty!" Oh, and maybe "YOU ARE SO!! CUTE!!"

I'm worried about how quickly he snarfs down food. I feel like he's starving! I did a lil research and they suggest feeding him on a cookie sheet. How smart is that? Love the internet!

I'm not going to disclose how much I spent at PetSmart on my way to pick him up. All I can say is that place is making serious bank. I bet they make most of their money from schmucky first timers like me who don't know whether to use a collar or harness - buy both! - and have no clue what type of chew-approved object will be the tastiest for a teething puppy - give him options! Turns out he has an appetite for yummy chubby Gabby fingers, which are totally free.

I'm going all Cesar Milan on Avery's ass. Micah, in fact, is determined to implement everylastlittletechnique so that the puppy knows its place. Frankly, I could stand a little more positive energy coming from Micah. He wants the puppy to sit stoicly. A puppy! As if! I WILL PLAY WITH MY PUPPY, Mr. Buzzkill!

Anyway, Avery is pretty much a little gem. He's very curious about the cats and attempted to chase one across the room, which upset me a little because my cats already think I done gone crazy with this dog business. I put a Cesar Milan move on him and he immediately stopped. There is totally a good dog in that puppy's body.

I am so excited!!!!

Now if I could just get the rest of the household on board.

*updated to add: Household is officially on board. There was much Micah/Avery canoodling going on last night. AND this morning! And I didn't get yelled at for putting Avery on our bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is the CUTEST ev-ah! And there totally is good dog lurking in that little puppy. Don't rag on Micah too much for being practicle because everyone needs that little practicle voice of reason every now and again. Mine sounds like a combination of my dad saying "budget budget budget!" and my mom saying," I got a really good deal on these slacks. They were originally $80 marked down to $10 but I think I am going to return them because I really don't NEED them." God! Just keep them damn pants, mom!
