
week 9: pukefest '07

Want to know what I brought to eat to work today? Because letting my stomach get empty brings forth Satan and all his horned beasts?

- one PB&J with giant holes in the bread, don't you hate holes in the bread?
- six string cheeses (or should it be strings cheese?)
- two cheddar cheese sticks (what? i'm concerned about my calcium intake)
- one tapioca pudding
- two 7ups
- 1 stack of Ritz crackers because Micah is not familiar with saltines (?!)
- 1 piece of banana pound cake from the gas station because mmmm banana pound cake
- one peach fruit cup
- one pear fruit cup

Yeah. I'm prepared. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to post about just how goddamn nauseating it is to be pregnant in the first trimester. At the start of week 9 I read this in my pregnancy book:

"How you're feeling physically: Your nauseating hCG levels are at their peak this week. The good news is that starting next week, as your hormones stabilize, you'll start feeling a lot better. The bad news is that this week is probably going to be rough."

Pshaw, thought I! I was already at the the third day of week 9 and I hadn't noticed any increased nausea. I certainly wasn't throwing up, just almost there just keep swallowing.

A few hours later I was throwing up all over the place and going home early because there was definitely foulness on my clothes. It's a horrible feeling, and it didn't only last that day. The past three days can be summed up as such: GODDAMN MISERABLE.

If I don't keep my stomach full it's bad news bears, and let me tell you - it's hard to keep myself feeling full when all I feel like eating is pudding and fruit smoothies. I have never had to force-feed myself in my life until now. Once my stomach is empty enough to feel nauseous it takes everything in my power to put food in my mouth, because WHO THE FUCK wants to eat when they're nauseous? But that's the only cure. And god forbid I let the empty stomach stay empty longer than ten minutes, for I will surely be hurling in no time. The funny thing is once I puke there's a window of eating opportunity that I must seize, and if I do all will be well for at least two hours. Yesterday after pulling over to puke in a (leaking) bag I made a beeline for McDonalds and was able to successfully enjoy a cheeseburger and french fries, which I find very odd considering mostly I find meat repulsive these days. Those fries, though...holy hamster those things are good.

At this point you are probably sick of reading about me feeling sick. I'm definitely sick of it, but quite honestly that is the only thing remarkable about this pregnancy so far. But I have not smoked a cigarette in three weeks! Pretty sure my little fetus is pumping her fist in the air (womb juice?) for me. Speaking of the bean, wanna see what she looks like right about now?

(This week I'm convinced it's a girl because a couple different people told me that's why I'm craving fruit. And that's not even old wives tale fodder - these people are genuine fruit-craving girl-birthers.)

Want to see something scary that has nothing to do with me being pregnant? Thought you might.

Go read this and then come back. Go.

Are you not frightened? What the fuck happened to her? Scary.

(You should bookmark that site, Dorothy Surrenders, it's good blog for all lesbian-related pop culture shtuff and sometimes just random posts about hot stars and what they're up to . I likey, and so will you.)

So. Ya got some baby names for me yet?

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