
the Ox and the Secretary

Micah is the Ox (his Chinese zodiac sign). I am the Secretary. When there are heavy things to be carried, I call in the Ox. When there are phone calls to be made, such as questioning a bill or ordering pizza, he calls in the Secretary. It's a beautiful arrangement. We avoid the tasks we despise, handle the tasks we are good at, and never have much to bitch about.

Do you have any arrangements like this with your Other?


Anonymous said...

i don't wash silverware, anna doesn't change lightbulbs. it works out well. i guess we need titles though.


Anonymous said...

I scoop the kitty poo and Noel handles the puke. I don't even want to think about what our titles would be.

Anonymous said...

I think my title would be The Sucker in that arrangement.

Anonymous said...

ohhh, two leos together, lots of headbutting. i feel like i'm absolutely the hen picking mother responsible for all things domestic, but it's really not that way. i change the oil in the car, she scrubs the toilet. who can ask for a better arrangement?