

Do you know how weird it is to be six months pregnant and STILL be wearing your normal clothes? I've mentioned it before, but when I see the belly pictures of the skinny women on the pregnancy forum, it makes me insanely jealous. I should be thankful that I haven't had to spend money on maternity clothes. I fear that I've gotten off easy so far and that in the very last month suddenly my belly will explode and I'll have to buy bigger clothes for one little month of pregnancy. And I'll be very bitter about that if it happens.

Sometimes, I cry just because it feels good. Tears have never been so accessible. I feel a little dramatic when they come for basically no reason, but it doesn't stop it from feeling good.

If I had the baby today, she'd be able to live outside my womb. She'd probably need assistance breathing, but the fact that she's actually viable is really, really weird. I know I'll end up eating these words, but MAN has this pregnancy flown by.

School continues to be good, though I'm worried about starting a new term in August. Each term is ten weeks, which means I'll be expected to complete my final project a mere 14 days after my dute date. I'm thinking that final project will be the last thing on my mind. I'm not quite sure what to do, because I'm so eager to finish school that I don't want to even take one term off. Nevermind the fact that I've decided to go from two classes to one class after the baby arrives...that's extending my expected graduation by practically a year. Ugh.

The good news is that my new boss is considering hiring a temp until I feel like coming back to work. There are an assload of files here that are very important and frequently accessed for current projects, and considering my new boss works in Indianapolis and all the engineers based out of this office actually work from home mostly, it's really important to have someone here who can find files quickly. I was under the impression all the files would be moving to their respective new homes in KC and Indy, but so far they stay boxed up and shelved (yeah, I boxed them up all by myself, and now I'm bitter because it's annoying as hell to get those fucking heavy boxes down and find things). No one knows what will happen to the boxes. If they are still here several months after I give birth, I just might have a job to come back to. It would only be temporary, because I plan on trying to get what I consider a "real" job once I have that degree. But the fact that my boss is already thinking of having me come back means that perhaps I don't need to freak out about what we'll do about money once our meager savings is gone. Then again, the thought of coming back to this extremely boring job where I am extremely under-utilized does NOT excite me. The money, though? Enticing.

Isn't this the most exciting post EVER? Aren't you so fucking glad you stopped by?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I AM glad that I stopped by. :)

Long time no see, stranger!
