
but the cinnamon twists from taco smells were good!

You know what's really not fun? When you let your scalp get burnt right up there in the front where it tends to be thinner. And, you know, right there. This past weekend's little floating hellaciousness left me rather rosy (oooh, good band name) and the horrid results are now forcing me to wear my sunglasses on top of my head while I'm inside. Yeah, such a winner. I hate myself.

So what's worse - letting the layer of skin float above your scalp where it might freak some folks out, or start dismantling it and begin the frustrating process of freeing it from the strand? That's never ever a good thing to start, because the shit ain't stoppable. You can never find a happy resting place. There is always just one more piece of skin that completely gives you away. Wait, just this one more. Then you try other maneuvers, like violently frisking your hair to shake the bits loose. After enough of frisks you'll looking oily and frazzled. Sexay.

That sums up my Friday so far. Yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scalp burns are the worst. It starts flaking off and you want to run around and say "I swear it's not dandruff!"

I like the new look of the blog btw.
