
baby update!

I just got back from an ultrasound. Want to hear about the baby? Well, it's definitely a girl. At the last ultrasound they were sure about that, but it's nice to know someone else is really sure about it, too! I even have a picture of her va-jay. When she's older, please don't tell her I put it on the internet.

Even though I have not gained a pound, the baby has. She weighs 4 lbs. 13 oz. Eleven weeks ago, at the last ultrasound, she weighed 1 lb. 6 oz. She's eating up my fat or something. It mystifies me, but you'd better believe I'm not complaining about it!

What I want to complain about a little bit is the fact that she's breech. At nearly 33 weeks, there is very little chance she's going to spin around because there just isn't enough space. That means I will almost definitely have a c-section, which pisses me off a bit. I've devoted a lot of time to reading about natural child birth and mentally preparing to give it an epidural-free go, but it looks like I won't have the chance. A c-section isn't the end of the world, in fact I must admit the idea of not having to deal with tearing and stretching sounds pretty nice. Did you know it can feel like your innards are going to fall out of your vagina while recovering from vaginal birth? Can't say I'd prefer that to nursing a wound on my abdomen. There are drawbacks to c-sections, such as delayed functions in the baby because of the epidural drugs, fluid in the lungs that doesn't get pushed out by way of vag delivery, and complications during and after surgery. I guess there are pros and cons for every method of delivering a baby, so I'm not too freaked out or sad. At least I have some time to adjust to the idea of major abdominal surgery.

Also, I've been telling everyone the wrong due date! I really thought it was 10/17, but it's actually 10/18. I'm fine with that, because 8 is great, and I generally don't like odd numbers.

Want to see some pictures now?

These are her arms. The ultrasound tech said her hands are up by her face. Look for the vertical lines near the center - these are her forearms, with hands near the top of the image. I believe the wavy white line to the right is the curve of her ear and she is facing away from the image. On every image the tech put some words, and this one says "Hi family!" but my caption would have to be "Talk to the hand!"

This is her face! Tilt your head to the right and you'll see her straight-on. I see a skull and some eye holes and what must be her nose. Cute! Makes me want to spend $150 for one of those 3-D image things. But I also want to spend $150 on a Roomba for the copious dog hair situation, and unless little Miss comes out with vacuuming skillz, I'm thinking the Roomba will be more worth it. Besides, I can wait to see her face. I've been uncharacteristically patient knowing the best surprise of my life is headed my way.
These are her feet! "LT Foot" is below the left foot, "RT Foot" above the right. The feet are very close together, and this is a bottom view of them. Do you see them? I see them! Apparently she's bent in half at the waist, with her feet up near her belly and her butt sitting on my bladder. That means her head is near my ribcage, which explains why I can't eat more than fist-sized amounts of food before I'm stuffed, only to be starving again in less than an hour.
This is her vagina. The text says "Think pink!!" with a nicely defined arrow pointing right at her poochy labia. I'm allowed to say stuff like that because I'm her mom. Poochy labia, poochy labia, poochy labia.

So that's it for now, I guess. Oh yeah! We decided on a name! Now we just need to pick out a middle name, which might very well be the middle name my mom and I share. You know, tradition and shit. Seven weeks and counting, people! I'm so ready to meet her.

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