
remember it

Sasha smiled! AT ME! ON PURPOSE!

It was yesterday. She was laying on the couch with nothing to gaze at, and I popped my head in the picture and started all kinds of high-pitched hi baby! hi Sasha!s and after focusing on my face for a few minutes, her lips parted and her cheeks pulled back and that's when it happened. The earth stood still.

She still hasn't awarded her daddy the same kind of reaction, but she definitely likes to stare at him. We both do.

That Christmas Feeling is setting in. I love Christmas. Sasha won't have a clue this year, but I am so excited about future years. Christmas is all about children. As a child, I found it more magical than anything.

My lack of a good camera is starting to upset me. I can't believe I don't have anything reliable with which to capture my baby and her expanding set of skills. I told Micah I have to have a camera, even if it's cheap. I can't take it anymore. It's a crying shame, is what it is. Most new moms have already taken a thousand pictures, and all I have are a few grainy shots from a disposable camera and some my mom gave me out of pity. Micah doesn't see the urgency until I remind him that his coveted family photos wouldn't exist if someone hadn't had a decent camera. So he agreed and then went out and bought about $75 worth of concert DVDs and new CDs. Whatever. Fair enough!

Anyway! That just means there will soon be more baby shots on here. OMG I just heard the baby poo from across the room. This is her first poo in a week (in the range of normal for breastfeeders) and I expect it will be spectacular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you want to borrow my camera in the meantime. I'll need it for the trip but after that its all yours if you want to have something for the Holidays until you get yours.