
the faces of eve

I'm not trying to say that Sasha has multiple personalities, but actually...she does. Babies are very moody. She sobs and wails one moment and smiles and coos the next. It's hard to keep up with. But mostly Sasha is a very good baby. We definitely have Moments, but there are so many of the good kind, too.

There is something that Sasha would like you to know...

"I'm a badass muthasucka. Betta recognize. Yeah, it's a bonnet, what of it? Wanna step?"
Clearly, she is suspicious of the dangling lion. And absolutely furious with the giraffe. But mostly, this baby is chillin'. She takes life as it comes, enjoying the taste of her long, chubby fingers. If her fingers taste like her cheeks smell, I totally understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, she is sooo adorable!!