
um, no! but also, yes please

Why did I take this stupid test? I really didn't need to know that I have a Capricorn personality. Not that I have something against Capricorns, I just never pictured myself as anything other than a fire sign. "concerned with traditional values"? HA! Ok, so maybe I can see the truth in the "never quite satisfied" bit. But "ruthless"? Ouch! I think I'd rather be called a selfish, stubborn Aries. Ruthless makes me sound like I'd cut your titty off if you didn't give me my roast beef sandwich fast enough.

You should take this test and tell me what you are (click on the box).

Discover your Zodiac Personality
Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me

Also, this just might be the coolest thing I've seen in...oh, I dunno, awhile:

A tripod for your camera! You can leave your sexy photographer's assistant at home because she really hates following you around! (tell it, Hei.)


Anonymous said...

what? libra? i felt like i had pisces in the bag! maybe it's because i refused to pick my own birthstone for the customized ring (aquamarine... ew). well, i don't know anything about libras, so i guess i'd better head to anna's website to see what my ever-accurate horoscope is :)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha...I stole your Aries personality Gabs. Sag by day, Aries by night.
