
back in Motherfuckinghotville


Today is exactly why I hate summer. It is 99 degrees with a heat index of 105. How could anyone possibly enjoy summer? There are exactly three reasons to like summer, whereas I can think of at least 10 for fall, winter, and spring each.

1) Popsicles
2) swimming
3) the Summer Olympics - and that only happens every four fucking summers!

I can't think of anything except how I want to go swimming. I pretty much think that every second of every moment I'm at home or forced to walk more than ten steps outside. I've suggested once or twice to Micah that we should move into the bedroom completely. Cut the cats a door so they can get in and out, put a mini-fridge on his Home Depot credit card and set that bad boy up in the closet, and possibly even learn some tasty crockpot recipes. WE COULD DO IT!

Or, you know, we could have moved instead of signing another lease. I knew this was coming. I know it's way too expensive to run two AC units. I know we have horribly inefficient windows and trying to cool down the connected and giant living and dining rooms would have laughable results. But dang it, I LOVE this apartment. Also, I've moved 10 times in 9 years and I would like a break. However. I will never make this mistake again. Gigantic dark wood columns and beams and lovely stained glass windows are not a good trade for central air. My big bad.

My general malaise is probably related to coming home from the conference. It ended up being mostly a vacation. As I said previously, I love hotels and if I'm in one, it means I'm not home. Not home means vacation, even if it involves getting up at 6:30 to shower and be on time for the meetings I had to attend. At the end of each day I still got to come back to the hotel (which I called "home" several times, as in "let's just go home and order room service") and hang out with Micah in a room with a thermostat. Oh, and the swimming possibilities were endless.

The best part was the weather. We giggled as we listened to the meteorologists on the local news talk about taking precautions because it was so hot - 86! - and go on and on about the terrible humidity. Ignorance is bliss, obviously.

Sandusky, OH, is on Lake Erie. There's always a breeze. We also witnessed some fantastic storms. We sat on our balcony wrapped in towels after returning from swimming, smoking cigarettes and marveling at how we could barely see the other side of the parking lot it was raining so hard. Beautiful.

Alas, we are home, and all the sweatier for it. The bedroom is shut up nice and tight with the AC pumping in preparation for the meltdown. There is always a meltdown.

I'm going to go put some fresh batteries in my camera and see what I came away with. Unfortunately I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted, most likely a direct effect of being so goddamn lazy and cold. I got to be cold in July! Because thermostats go below 60 degrees!

I wanna go back.

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