
freakin' me out, man!

Some interesting things have caught my attention of late.

First. When I was with my ex, Dave, I once called him "boohbah" instead of "baby." (and yes, that's how I spelled it in my head, because word dorks like me do that type of stuff.) I'm pretty sure I was drunk at the time, but it definitely stuck. We referred to each other as Boohbah from then on. Sometimes I even have to stop myself from calling Micah that because it became so ingrained as a term of endearment. But it's a really stupid nickname reserved for someone I don't love anymore. A nickname THAT WAS STOLEN FROM ME and turned into an even stupid-er kids show. Seriously, how did they come up with that name? Someone must have heard me say it. Where are my bleeping royalties?!

Second. Kim H. once emailed me with the subject line "Hey Gabba Gabba Hey." I assumed she was just having some fun with my name, which seems to happen a lot. Yesterday I came across a blog with this in the header "and all the kids say Gabba Gabba Hey." Huh? She didn't make that up? Uhhh, no. I guess you can see I'm not a huge Ramones fan. From wikipedia (so sketchy, but so convenient):

Gabba Gabba Hey is the title of the first Ramones tribute album released in 1991 by Triple X records. The Ramones made "Gabba gabba hey!" their slogan beginning with the song "Pinhead", which contained the lyrics: "Gabba gabba we accept you, we accept you're one of us". The song ends with: "Gabba gabba hey, gabba gabba hey!....". During their live shows a roadie dressed up as a pinhead would come on stage carrying a huge sign saying "Gabba gabba hey". This is seen in the film Rock 'n' Roll High School featuring the Ramones. The slogan comes from a scene the 1932 motion picture Freaks, in which the characters chant the line "Gooble, gobble, we accept you . . .!".

I would also love to mention that Gabba Gabba Hey is the name of a musical about the Ramones. I'm all for the singing and the dancing, as well as the combination of the two.

FYI, Gabba is also: "a subgenre of hardcore techno in electronic music." Hardcore techno? How you gonna tell me that and not give me an example? What, like Prodigy?

Dude! All of this just RAWKS so hard my liver is shaking. Can you please call me Gabba from now on? It's so much less...adjectivey...

Third. There is ANOTHER kids' show on tv (actually, it's still in the works) called Yo Gabba Gabba. This might be the best so far because the creatures are actually quirky and fun to look at, unlike those Booh-blobs.

What's with all the Gabba love? It does spring right off the tongue, doesn't it? Especially if you say it more than once. I am loving this, really. If your name is something that can be found on cutesy souvenirs, you will never know the pain. It took me 25 years to get a souvenir with my name on it (thank you M&M factory, thank you, Mom, for hooking me up, and thank you to the parents who made the name Gabrielle more popular).

Yo Gabba Gabba Hey. I promise I will always respond to that, and probably assume the rawker finger pose as well.

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