
this is going to be very interesting

not this post, necessarily, I'm talking about school.

the instructor for one of my classes just wrote this during our "seminar" chat session:


[kiss-ass]: so sorry to hear that, Prof!


Niiiiice, my prof just had to excuse himself to go upchuck or shit his guts out!

Funny professor story - Biology at the community college. The professor was kind of an ass. He had a short fuse with stupid questions (and students) and moved so quickly during the lectures it was hard to keep up, much less take coherent notes, and most of the students were there to get a science requirement out of the way - definitely not science-inclined folks. When students would chat before class everyone was always trying to find someone who made sense of the last lecture. I wasn't doing horribly, actually, but I thought I'd be lucky to get away with a B. I was probably closer to a C. On the day of the final exam, I was terrified. I've never been a good test taker. Imagine the cumulative surprise when the prof announced we could answer as many questions as we wanted and would be graded on only those questions. For example, if we wanted to answer five questions, each question would be worth 20% of the test grade. Well.

Here was a question on the first page that immediately got my attention:

The female chromosome is:

a) XX
b) XY
c) YY
d) YX

And I thought is this really happening? Evidently I wasn't the only one. You could see people sneaking incredulous looks at each other, and I know they were all considering the possibility of 100% by answering this extremely easy question, but it seemed too good to be true. Was this dude CRAZY? He assured us he was for real. So I answered my one question and got the fuck out of there. During the last class, he distributed our exams and explained that he considered it a social experiment, and told us he didn't think tests actually teach you anything - if you you didn't know it before the test you aren't going to know it after. Makes good sense, but that dude was one crazy fuck.

What was the craziest thing a professor you've had has ever done during a class?


Anonymous said...

Not a professor but my high school spanish teacher, Senora Deuber, sat on the floor one day and started doing leg lifts and mumbling in espanol. We found out later that she had a bit of an alcohol problem.


Gabby said...

our german teacher had a...disorder, i guess (but more like a special skill) where his left hand would uncontrollably mirror whatever his right hand was doing, and when we begged him to demonstrate he'd put a dry erase marker in his left hand, start writing with his right hand, and the left did everything the right did, but backwards. You could totally see his left hand twitching in his pocket whenever he was writing. so weird.