

I watched the first episode of Notes From the Underbelly, that sitcom about pregnancy, and I loved it. But I'm not sure when it's on and I never watched it again. Should really try to get back on that.

LOST has been really good lately! Just in time for the season to be almost over!

I have an OBGYN on Friday for a check-up and to hear the baby's heartbeat. There had better be one. I've been ridiculously paranoid about that.

I do not like the word fundus, which I had to look up: noun (anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from its opening; "the uterine fundus"; this term has been thrown around lately in the pregnancy forum that I visit, and it freaks me out. These chicks say stuff like "My fundus is reaching my belly-button!" Yuck.

Barney will never take up any sort of residence in our apartment. Ever.

Baby Einstein seems like a pretty good idea, though.

Randomly got an email from the Academic Program Director of Kaplan congratulating me on doing so well in my American Women class. I've gotten nothing but As for three terms, so why now? Weird, but appreciated.

OMG U GUYS!!! There's a blog, Claudia's Room, written by this chick who is rereading The Babysitters Club books and gives complete, snarky descriptions of the each book! Think I've died and gone to heaven. I used to LOOOOOVE the BSC books. Remember how each chapter started with a BSC journal entry by one of the club members and it had different handwriting for each girl? I totally did that. I had my own journal and I tried to write like six different girls would. Sometimes the blogger, Tiff, posts the book covers, which HOLY SHIT! They take me right back. And the descriptions of the outfits are fucking hilarious in their 80s badness. Please tell me you all were all over the BSC too. Who was your favorite? I loved Mary Anne and Stacey. Hated Mallory. And when's the last time you read the words "Jenny Prezzioso?" (OMG AGAIN, I think my mom saved all my BSC books! Oh shit...I have to have a girl. I have so many awesome things to pass down to her.)

I know I'm a little late to the party with this next comment, but it's a little scary to me that I'm agreeing with Fox News that NBC never should have shown the VT murderer's tapes. I just don't see the point. They claim that's what any responsible media outlet would do, but I wholeheartedly disagree. Who benefits from seeing that tape? We don't need to see that tape to understand that the guy was crazy. Showing that tape is exactly what he wanted, and it shows troubled people considering similar acts that they too can be famous.

I started a savings account! Fucking responsible, I tell ya! I'm hoping with all my hopeseses that I will have this job until the end of summer at least. I want to dump as much money as I can into the savings (with Micah's help) so we don't have to worry about money this winter. It's hard for Micah to work regularly during the winter because of the nature of his job. He already said he would do whatever is needed to support our family (!) over the winter so I can stay home with the wee one. What I would really love is for Micah to be able to stay home with us, to bond properly. This is all such a big IF, though. I am basically on a week-to-week basis at this job. At any point they could decide they don't need me. The money is simply too awesome to go looking for something that will absolutely keep me employed until October. So I'm riding it out. Hopefully the fact that I'm pregnant will make them less hesitant to send me on my way. Gack! So much to worry about.

Fruit. Cannot consume enough fruit. My current favorite lunch, the thing I never tire of, is a $9 fruit salad bowl, fresh, cold, yummy, from Dierbergs. $9 is twice what I'd normally pay for my workday lunches, but the fact that it's so fucking healthy makes it okay. Many sources tell me that craving fruit means I'm having a girl. I don't know if you remember or if I've really talked about it much, but fruit is the only thing I've been able to eat consistently for these first 16 weeks.

Having a girl would be awesome. As I said, I have so much to give her from my own childhood because my mom decided to keep everything. My friend Stephanie is having her second child, a girl, at the end of May. My niece is a girl. It would just work so nicely. Plus, have you SEEN baby girl clothing? CA-YUTE.

Speaking of which, I was at Targs the other day getting a baby shower gift for Steph, and I happened upon the motherfucking cutest baby dress I've ever seen. It posed a big dilemma: do I buy it for Steph knowing she's having a girl and winning big awesome friend points because the dress is just that cute, or do I keep it for myself just in case I have a girl? I only saw one of them, sadly, but I'm so obsessed with this dress that I'm going back to Target today to make sure. Because I decided to give the one I bought to Steph. I am manifesting my own great karma, y'all.

Speaking of which, I lent a buddy in dire straights $50 the other day. Later that day, I won $40 on a scratch-off. Manifest! (God, that is so fucking new-age hippie of me.)

Just in case you were wondering, my big ultrasound, the one the doctor insists on calling "the anomaly scan," is on the very last day of May. This is the first scan that could show us the sex of the baby. OMG.

Please let it still be alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby Einstein is the best. It's more like baby crack. You can just plop them in front of the tv and, wah la! You finally have time to go to the bathroom! My mom bought a bunch of them for Nate and Paige and they totally dug them. Oh, and they aren't mind numbingly boring and you can stand to watch them over and over again. I personally enjoyed them too. Fun colors and cute puppets.