
a day off

Today I am taking a day off work to go have an ultrasound and renew my license plates. While I am totally thrilled that I get another peek at the little darling, the other half of my day is going to suck. Somehow I can never retain my personal property tax receipt. For the third time in as many years, I have to go to City Hall and pay a dollar for it. If I can fit it in, I would like to go start my baby registry and drag Noel with me.

Things I am enjoying:
Regina Spektor
not feeling the need to watch the Today show, I have a mix CD to make!

Things I am hating:
THIS GODDAMN TURD LICKING MOTHER MOLESTING CELL PHONE. I hate you with the power of a thousand angry pregnant women. How am I supposed to call Noel? How am I supposed to LIVE? Seriously, two hundy ain't sounded like too much to get a little piece of mind right about...NOW. I wonder if I could hide a new cellphone from Micah for just over a month. Nah, he's sharper than that. Damnit. Isn't it worth spending money to be happy? The answer is yes. Almost always.

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