
pregnancy forum thread titles...

...complete with my own comments cuz that's how we roll around here. And no, I did not make these up:

-Leaky Nipple! (Ugh, I dread the day this happens to me. I'd prefer all fluids stay put until showtime.)
-Blood in my... (I think I'll just let you all wonder.)
-My hair is sooooo dry (My hair is soooo natural. I see now why I dyed it in the first place.)
-ouch! anyone else's crotch hurt? (Whoa, um...no...)
-Odd Painful Swelling (Love the capitalization, like a real disease!)
-OMG...this sucks!! (Oh don't I know it, sister.)
-I used to like sex now I don't HELP (I simply cannot relate. So sorry.)
-Why will you circumsize your son? (So his future lovers do not barf all over him.)
-What NOT to say to a pregnant woman... (Yes, I added a comment to this thread. It went something like, "If another person tells me how my life will change forever after the baby comes..." Every other comment on that thread had to do with people snarking about their weight gain. BOO HOO.)
-Caught him looking at porn...now what? (Um, take the stick outta yer ass, sit the fuck down, watch it with him. Gawd.)

I am particularly fond of any thread that begins "Sorry, TMI." That's the good stuff!

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