

- Have you ever heard people talk about pregnancy brain? You just, like, get stupid and stuff. I walked into work with my sunglasses on. Then I wore them down the hallway to my desk. Then I sat down, booted up, and still had my sunglasses on. Heh.

- Christ on a cruise ship, I am a bitch. It's pregnancy, I swear. I don't know what else could explain it.

- So suddenly my cellphone started turning off by itself. Sometimes it happens twice a day, sometimes twice a minute. It certainly happens when I'm in the middle of a call, and what's really fucking awesome is when I'm on the last word of a text message novella and it turns off. Wow. That is cool! It makes me want to eat my arm off. Nolie is having similar issues with her phone but not quite on the same level, and it happens to be the exact same phone as mine, purchased at the exact same time. Foolishly, I thought I had a great argument to march into the Cingul*r store with. THESE ARE CRAP. GIVE US NEW ONES. And lo, how the universe laughed at me. By universe I mean the totally unfriendly and condescending sales ass that "helped" us at the store. In between laughs. I know I marched in there with attitude, so that probably didn't help, but those assholes know they have the upper hand every time. Basically we are idiots for buying cheap phones. "That's what you get, little women with no brain," is pretty much what he said. It was all in the eyes. His face was greasy. He smirked. I can wait SIX WEEKS until I am eligible for an upgrade, which is just such an insulting phrase, like thank ye, gods of dropped calls, for the granting of my one and only wish - to be eligible for an upgrade! Shall I place this laurel wreath atop thine fo'head at once? To summarize my misery: I can buy a new phone, according to the fuckwad salesman, for "two-to-three hundred bucks. Maaaaybe I could swing one-seventy-five," or I can wait six god-forsaken weeks until this miraculous eligibility happens, at which point I can spend more money, but less money that if I spend right now. Do you mind if I remind you that MY CELLPHONE TURNS ITSELF OFF? ALL THE FUCKING TIME??? Well, there was no fucking way I was going to buy a phone from that fucking guy, and somehow I found a slice of politeness and managed to leave without spitting in his fucking face. To make matters worse, when I got home and told Micah the story, he thought I had already decided to buy a new phone instead of wait, because apparently I am nothing but a spender. Right. Why would I want to spend money on a new phone I shouldn't need yet? He really didn't see the big deal about waiting six weeks, and the reason this is all so frustrating is that trying to use this phone for another six weeks just might cause snakes to grow out of my head. So I challenged Micah - if it's not such a big deal to have a phone that randomly turns off (causing you to take out the battery and reinsert it EVERY TIME and then wait to see if it worked but usually it doesn't right away and god forbid I have AN ACTUAL EMERGENCY, you know, being PREGNANT and all) then maybe we should switch phones and HE can deal with it. Of course he said "Sure!" but you know he left this morning with his phone and I left with mine. I AM GRUMPLESTILTZKIN. Back away slowly.

-Can I tell you how sick I am of the word pregnant? And it won't stop for another four 1/2 months!

- My mom was offered two tickets to the opera Anna Karenina because her opera friends couldn't make it after all. Then my mom offered them to us, because they've already seen that particular opera. At first I was kind of skeptical but then my mom does her spectacular guilt thing (Catholic mothers being some of the most intense guilt-layers of all) and says "Oh, you should take them. You should try it. These tickets are about $100 each, so...it's a chance you won't get very often." She makes a good point. Another nice aspect is that the opera is in English and the words being sung are projected on the wall so you can read whatever you aren't able to catch. But still...they will be singing all operatic. This ain't a musical. Can we discuss how annoying it is that it doesn't start until 8? HELLLOOO. Pregnant chicks like me get drowzy at 7:30. I am regularly in bed by nine these days. But we could go and just leave at intermission. You know, so we're actually giving it a chance! Micah was on board until he wasn't anymore. I'm finding it easy to agree that just staying home would be better. So do we:

a) Stay home and lie to my parents, because they will definitely ask about it the next day because we have plans to visit them and go swimming, but Micah hates this option because he's just so fucking honest? Even though all he has to say is "It was great, thanks for the tickets," while I handle the bulk of the lies?

b) Sell the tickets because they were so expensive (a problem because the show is tonight)?

c) Give the tickets away so SOMEONE can enjoy the show? (finding someone even to take them free might be difficult. I don't exactly hang with opera chicks.)

d) Go to the opera dragging Micah kicking and screaming? How is that worth it?

e) Go by myself for 1/2 the show so I don't feel so guilty about wasting the tickets?


That is all. As you were.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad we could take the tickets off your hands, Gabby! We had a great time. Jon saw some folks he knew and the opera was good (great story, but the composition was lacking "catchy lines"-- a problem I've noticed with other modern operas). They switched the tickets for us so that Jon could sit on an aisle, too. And I think we got the very last handicapped parking place, lol. Anyways, it was an excellent evening! Thanks!!