

So. I just wrapped up another term at the online university I attend. Guess what? I got 100% in both classes, which were Organizational Behavior and Technical Writing. Forgive me for sounding like an ass, but I'm beginning to think this shit is way too easy and that other folks are just that stupid. Or maybe I had easy professors this term? It confuses me a bit, but mostly I'm just so fucking proud of myself, because 4.0 isn't something I'm acquainted with. We're fresh and new, like doe-eyed lovers.

On another topic entirely, I cannot begin to describe how odd it feels to have your organs kicked from the inside. I swear yesterday the baby was having tea party on my bladder with my kidneys and liver. But then my liver had to go and talk smack about the lower intestines and the baby got what did they ever do to you and kicked that bitch. Or something like that.

I have an ultrasound next week because Dr. Sandra Oh But Hotter, while basically happy about it, is wondering why I haven't gained any weight. I was up two pounds at one point and at my last visit, back down to where I started. I know I sweated off two pounds at least during the move. Anyway, she wants to make sure the baby is growing. I know she is growing. My stomach feels like it's in my lungs, my lungs feel like their in my throat, so I know she's taking up more room in there. But I'm still wearing the same pants. I guess I can see why she's a little concerned.

We're closer to a name. Micah finally heard one that he really likes, which is more than I've gotten out of him so far. The race isn't over yet, though. There are several strong contenders. Sorry, can't share them yet. Soon?

OMFG. I'm due in two months from Friday! Our baby will be five months old by the time LOST comes back on! CRAZY.


Anonymous said...

wow... 5 months old when lost comes back... that really puts it into perspective. you're having a baby.. like, soon. :) and congrats on being such a nerd! i always knew that you were :)


Anonymous said...

Gabs is so smart. S-M-R-T!