
just so simple

Last night M. and I saw the most beautiful sunset. I wish I had a lovely picture of it to slap up onto this post, but of course the camera is never there when you want it to be. It was one of those sunsets where the sky is filled with all kinds of strangely-shaped clouds, lots of purple and blue, and the sun plays upon all the clouds giving them all this personality and charm, and it made the sky seem so large. That might be the dumbest thing I've ever said. Onward.

A conversation that kind of proves that maybe this whole Mars/Venus thing between the sexes really is true and maybe it's not so horrible that men are more likely to just get to the fucking point already:

Me: Sometimes I wonder if anyone appreciates sunsets. Do people actually take the time to look around or is everyone in such a hurry that they just don't bother to look up? I feel like a dork for always noticing, but then I think I'm just one of the lucky ones that takes the time to take it in. Do you notice sunsets or when the sky is doing something wonderful? When you're at work surrounded by men what do you all say to each other? "Wow, the sky is so beautiful"? That doesn't seem like something men would say to each other. What do you say?

M.: We say "look."

That might be the smartest thing I've heard in awhile. Just shut up and look already.

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