
think of me what you will, i'm keeping them

One year ago this week, twin sandwiches were born. They were born peanut butter & jelly on Wonder Bread. I'm pretty sure it was crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly, as those have been my ideal PB&J choices since I was a tot.

My sandwiches, they are one year old.

Meet my sandwiches!

(Sorry about the blurriness. I was having a lighting issue
and this was the best shot of them all.)

The circumstances of these twins staying with me for a year go like this: I was told to bring my own food for a float trip. I had just moved back to St. Louis with Noel, just a handful of days prior to the float trip, and things were askew to say the least. PB&J sounded so manageable. So I made a bunch of PB&Js (yes, sadly, the twins were once sextuplets) and put them in the cooler which floated behind us the whole trip down the river.

Somehow they made it back into my car when we were unpacking the cooler at the end of the trip. Maybe I thought I'd be hungry on the way home. More likely the cooler's mommy didn't want my shit in there anymore. Either way, they ended up in a stash of nasty things, such as wet swimming shorts and sandals. Things you dump in the trunk to deal with later.

I will admit I didn't deal with them later. Well, okay, I did. Six months later. I happened upon a bag in the downstairs closet, the closet behind the door I never open, and in the bag I found pair of moldy sandals - really, really moldy - and the swim shorts, which were stinky and not worth saving for fear of perma-stink. Then I noticed the sandwich bag and thought oh shit, this is going to be naaasty. Imagine my surprise and immediate inclination to keep them, these...well, these wonder sandwiches.

Let us all ponder the wonder of Wonder bread. HOW. Why they aren't shooting Wonder Bread into women's pores is beyond me. These babies look exactly like they did a year ago - not a fleck of mold, just your typical PB&J-got-smushed oily soak-through.

Or is it the Ziplock bag? I thought even Ziplocks were semi-permeable. You can smell through them, so why wouldn't a smite of air get through too? The only noticeable difference is that the twins are very, very hard. (On the edges. The middle? Smooshy! Amazing!)

Anyway, my sandwiches are one year old this week and I'm keeping them. You knew I would. How could I not? It's an experiment at this point. I'm going to make them a soft bed in a shoebox and get them out once a year and see what's sprung up. If there's still a blog, there will be updates.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I am having flashbacks. I smell a candle. No, not quite a candle smell. Something. Something. But what? A potato perhaps? Yes, definitely a potato. Or 20. And if you didn't think I would bring up the potatoes, you don't know me at all.


Gabby said...

girrrl every time i open my trunk i think about those damn potatoes. that was TRAUMATIC. for all of you who don't know - i left a sack of potatoes in the trunk of a car i used to drive, and it sat there forgotten about all summer long, until the stench got so bad i ripped my car apart looking for it. i found a writhing bag of potatoes and i haven't been the same since.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.