
celeb reality

Imagine my extreme jealousy after reading this email from my good friend Hei in LA, where celebrities mingle with the mind-boggled masses...

gabby --
i'm totally not ignoring your email, but something amazing happened and i had to tell you right away! so anna convinced me to call in sick today (i haven't called in sick in over a year -- i was due)...so we spent the day playing tennis (seriously... a couple of couch potatoes playing tennis in 90 degree heat... but it was really fun)...aaaaanyway... on our way from the sporting goods store (b/c you know, we didn't even have rackets) guess what we saw?


of.... the L word!

i shit you not. as we drove by i saw alice, jenny, and a brunette in a power suit, who i could only assume was bette. so, of course, we went around the corner and went by again... this time we saw alice, jenny, tina, and max (ew... but still.. exciting). poor anna, since she was driving she only really saw tina... but WOW! that sooo blows all of our previous celeb sightings right out of the water (boy banders are, of course, one of my passions... but we're talking TINA!! and ALICE!!)

i almost peed my pants.

anyway, we're going out to dinner, but i just had to tell you. i knew you would appreciate!

APPRECIATE? Oh, I appreciate. I envy with lots of ugly shades of envy. Envy you might de-friend me over. Poor, dear Anna who missed just about everything? I would've had none of that.

But that's just me.

Thanks for sharing, Hei!


Anonymous said...

"...gawked like a boy watching a horse fuck his mother?" I hope that is a movie quote or some inside joke I am not aware of because that's an "interesting" turn of phrase ms. goobie lue.


Gabby said...

um, no. i'm just one sick fuck, i guess. i took it out. i apologize. i guess maybe i haven't outgrown that inappropriate writing thing.

Anonymous said...

and i still haven't replied to your email, have i? patience, grasshoppa... i promise a worthy response is acomin'


Gabby said...

suuuuure it is :)