
maybe not

durr. i just might be an eediot.

so you probably can't see my fun new header, can you? just realized that. i will attempt to fix the problem tomorrow and in the mean time i'll feel incredibly dumb for saying i actually figured out how to do something to my blog. [edited to add: can you see the header now? oh god please say yes.]

one of the graphics you can't see [maybe now you can?] is the logo for a little something i decided to participate in -NaBloPoMo - wherein many bloggers attempt to post daily for the entire month of November, and the concept comes from November being National Novel Month, or NaNoWriMo, which challenges writers to pen a 175 page novel in 30 days. This is Fussy's idea (a hilarious writer who poses action figures in yoga positions as a teaching mechanism) and you know what? i thought it sounded like a fun challenge. i think a plan of attack is in order. if i have something planned out ahead of time it won't seem as daunting. since November is my favorite month, i'm going to make it the month of favorites on the blog. everyday i'll write about something i love. how hard can that be? we'll see.

and if anyone has any other ideas about how i might entertain you loyal lovelies for 30 days, let me know.

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