
three weeks in

Yeah, I'm still talking about marriage.

Three weeks ago yesterday was The Day. People keep asking me how it feels to be married, which is a natural curiosity. I don't know how to answer that, because I don't really know yet! I know it makes me feel incredibly content and secure. That said, just a few days ago during a conversation with Micah I called him my boyfriend, so...mostly I just need time for it to sink in.

I will say the procedure of changing my last name has helped me get closer to feeling like a Mrs. Let me tell you, there are A LOT of companiesbanksloansutilities that needed to be updated, and some are quite stringent on what is required - others, like the utilities, probably weren't stringent enough. One didn't even ask me to verify my address, telephone, none of that. Leeetle scary.

And the reception. I won't bitch too heavily about THAT state of affairs, as it would be a mite uncouth. You know I am all about couth. But I will say that my taste is apparently not traditional at all (who knew?!) and ya shoulda seen the look on that party coordinator's face (and my mother's, natch) when I spat out uhhh...we will NOT be needing THAT! when she was telling me about the very long wedding party table that would be at the head of the room. WOMAN! I eloped! My bridesmaid was my brother! There shall be no head table. Also? Can we just forget that whole announcing which table is allowed to go up and get their buffet dinner, please? GOD. That is so REGIMENTED. My people came to get their eat on, not be herded and instructed. Finally, Marly or whatever your cutesy name is, go ahead and write a big fat NO in the "assigned seating" box on your little sheet there. Aren't you getting my vibe yet? DAGGUM, Marly! Keep your eye on that one and anticipate, as that vixen Ani would say.

And get your evil eye off of me, Mom. This party can be elegant (but grounded, ok?) without this seat assignment nonsense!

Mostly I am very excited for this reception. I was thinking about it the other day, and I realized there aren't too many times in your life where damn near all the people you care about in the slightest are coming together and celebrate with you. For you. I've never been the reason for a capital Party, one with a coordinator and chair covers and limitless liquor, and it feels nice. With sparkles.

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