
let there be baby

guess what I did this morning?

(you can click on it to see it larger.)

Yes! I have a kicking little dervish in there! I can't tell you how much more real it feels now. And can I just tell you? Don't yell at me, but I just had my very first pap and I just feel so gall-dang grown up. I love my new doctor. She sort of looks like Sandra Oh, but hotter. I didn't even care that there was a random student in there with us that actually wielded the speculum. I can't complain because everything was great. But how come no one told me paps aren't exactly comfortable?

I tell ya what was comfortable. Two hot young uniformed professionals feeling my tits up at the same time! Which never would've happened had that student not been having her lesson. Of course I was more worried that they were sloshing through under-tit sweat as it was a bazillion degrees in that office, so I can safely say it only turned dirty in my head for like 1/2 a second instead of the ten it deserved.

Then they stuck a condom-covered dildo up my hootch and did an ultrasound with it. It took two seconds for the doctor to find the bebe. She said, "whoa, that baby is kickin'!" which made my heart leap and I might have gasped. Its little legs were thrashing everywhere. It was totally fucking surreal. Still is. I mean, come on...look at that top picture...that is totally a baby! The head, the belly, the little legs. I watched as she measured different areas and zoomed in on an ovarian cyst, which she assured me was normal and probably temporary. It's been hell waiting for this appointment, especially because all of the other preggos in the Oct. 07 pregnancy forum have ultrasound pics to wave around. They had peace of mind and a picture to go with it almost a whole month before I did. But I got so much more out of seeing this human-like image than I would've been if I had had an 8 week ultrasound. I'd rather see this than a black blob with splotches. This? Recognizably the beginnings of my first child.

Dr. Sandra-but-Hotter printed out my pictures and I fairly skipped out of there. Oh, I have to go get my blood drawn now? No problem! I have a kickin' bean in mah belleh! Stick me all you want...Yolanda? Hi, Yolanda. I just saw my baby on the ultrasound for the first time! Dear Yolanda sweetly distracted me from the poking and sucking of blood (as if I needed distraction) with a story about how she was told she was having a girl she started putting all kinds of cute stuff on layaway and she was all excited because her little girl was fixin' to be lookin' good. And then she had a boy. Oh Yolanda. I've never been so happy to have blood drawn in my life. In fact, maybe I've never been so happy ever.

*Edited to add - I really hope this doesn't looked as jacked up on your screen as it does on mine. I can see like 1/3 of the picture. But clicking on it works. In fact if you didn't, I highly suggest it. :)


Anonymous said...

Aww!! That is totally a baby!

Anonymous said...

wow gab... that alien almost looks human! and it looks so cozy in there! i'll bet there's nothing like a nap in a womb to leave you feeling refreshed

thanks for sharing, goob
