
or not

I haven't had much to say. It's kind of annoying. I'm trying to think of something to share...well, okay, the baby is getting really good at kicking me. She'll be still for hours but after I eat and before I got to bed she is kung-fuing it up in there.

In an attempt to make balance in the home, because Micah is sometimes none to pleased with "my" dog, I went out and replaced his busted PS2 yesterday. This was a suggestion from my mom, actually, who I generally hesitate to share marital problems with. This time, I'm glad I did. She asked me if there was something that Micah had been wanting that perhaps I didn't want, and therefore he would see it as a more balanced situation. Because in all honesty, Micah didn't want this dog. I did. And I went and got the dog without Micah's blessing. So now I'm in a pattern of trying to keep the peace, because damnit, I am not going to live the rest of my life without a dog.

So I came home with a shiny, silver, impossibly tiny version of the clunking PS2 he threw away several months ago. I did not miss the PS2 at all. While I must admit I played more video games with Micah than I have in my whole life, I definitely got sick of trying to get him to turn it off so I could watch some obnoxious reality show. Anyway, he was very happy about having his console back, and I even sat down and played with him for awhile. I must say, I'm excited to bust out the Tetris again.

What else...

We put down a deposit on a new apartment! New to us, anyway, it's not the most glamorous building or apartment, but this is a money-saving mission and nothing else. Not only is the gas paid for (which includes heat, hot water, and cooking gas!!!) when I seemed wishy-washy when discussing the apartment with the leasing guy, he took the rent down $25 a month. Not much, but every bit helps. Other than the fact that it looks like it's had twenty years worth of paint layers and the hardwood floor is pretty sad looking, it's actually kind of ideal. It's only $425 a month, on the first floor (with tons of baby gear in the future, this was a sticking point), a few blocks from both the dog park and Tower Grove park, it has a cute sunroom, and it's the only apartment out of five that I visited that wasn't shotgun style. It's really hard to find a one bedroom around here that isn't shotgun style. And who wants to walk through the bedroom to get to the kitchen and bath? Certainly not me, because our bedroom tends to be messy and guests need not be subjected to that.

Some people look at me strangely when I say we're moving to a one-bedroom. It just doesn't compute. Why would you downsize when you're expecting a child? MONEY. I'd like to live in a house within the next five years, and also I won't be working for awhile after the baby comes. And I'm sorry, but an infant doesn't need their own room. I've heard how convenient it is, when breastfeeding especially, to just have the baby in the bedroom with you at night in a bassinet or most likely in our case, a Pack n' Play. People might wonder if that would affect a couple's sex life, but honestly? P n' Ps have WHEELS. We can scoot her into the living room for a minute or ten.

Hmm....looks like I CAN think of something to write about if I simply announce that I can't but keep typing anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! gab, you're back! i've been checking and checking (and it's not just because i'm too lazy to bookmark the link for crossword and crickler, although, i admit, at least one of your hits everyday is me lookin' to crickle)

even when you have "nothing" to say, i'm always intrigued... keep it coming
