
my boyfriend's back

His name is Justin. Timberlake. I didn't realize how much I missed him until recently because he has a new album out. That man is just the cutest. I wanna booty dance with him.

I'm sort of worried about this blogging every dang day thing that's starting in a few days. I have no one to blame but myself. It's not like I'm contractually obliged to participate, I just think it's a fun challenge, but it's still a challenge. If it works maybe I'll try that write a novel in 30 days thing, though I'd have to do most of the writing at work and let's just say it's not the most creatively inspiring workplace, despite the fact that the company motto is "Imagination at work." Hang around and see what happens. Oooh maybe I could start a contest! With PRIZES! Would you participate? (If it's not totally stupid, Gabs.)


Anonymous said...

gab, do you need some suggestions for the daily-blog?

i, for one, would like to hear about something you recently did for the first time and will never do again. throwing out boxes does not count (you know where flattened boxes really fit neatly? under the bed... next time, eh gab?) nothing i love more than a good i-was-totally-excited-til-i-realized-it-sucked/hurt/smelled/was moronic story. good luck!

Gabby said...

i just found this comment! i'm right on top of that!