
the dishes are done, man

I made it! I blogged every single day for a month. Surely that's an accomplishment. Right? RIGHT?

Sorry if it was boring at times. I think I'll take a little break to regroup. Maybe I'll actually come up with something that garners a laugh or two. Or, you know, even a cracked smile?

Maybe, just maybe, I'll win one of the prizes offered to those who did this successfully. I probably don't deserve one because I stopped that stupid contest. I'm assuming no one really cared, though. Um, maybe if you had participated a little more...? Hmmm...?

Oh, I'm kidding. KIDDING! Love you all to pieces!

That's all. See you in December.


the beautiful 29th

I saw this on someone else's blog and decided to steal it immediately. I like schtuff like this:

One word responses only! (And if you truly love me, you'll copy and paste it into the comments and fill in your own responses.)

The Day: Anna's
Your Last Meal: cereal
What You Just Heard: Xerox
You Can't Live Without: love
What You Wish You Could Be: thin
Your Bed: flannel
Currently Feeling: hungry
Word You Hate: panties
Afraid Of: carjacking
Subject You Loved In High School: English
Your Toothpaste: Crest
Unfinished Project: stockings
Your Hands: big
Your Co-Workers: strangers
What You Like For Breakfast: cereal
Who Annoys You: drivers
Most Recent Purchase: gas
Wishing For: dog
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Oreo
Unsure Of: fertility
Last Person You Talked To On the Phone: Dad
How You Relax: tv
Your Shirt: pink
Celebrity You Drool Over: McConaughey
Celebrity You Despise: Gottfried
Where You Were Last Night: home
Where You Will Be Tomorrow: home*

*if the meteorologists are correct, there will be a sheet of ice on the ground covered by several inches of snow. If I wake up to these conditions, it will be extremely tempting to stay home. I'm very much a lazy hedonist, and I can't imagine anything more lovely than snuggling up on the couch with my cats and all the daytime tv I adore and never see (Rosie! She's back on tv!) with the shades pulled all the way up so I can see the snow accumulate on the large pine tree outside. Normally Micah would be home to keep me company on a day like that because ya can't pour concrete in the freezing rain/snow, but he managed to get a snowy-day job driving a snow plow! He could also be spreading salt. Or both. He also said he could be gone for three days! They have to go until the streets are finished. That makes me sad, but the money is good.

In other news....

Happy Birthday, Anna! Can I share one of my favorite stories about you? I'll keep it short.

One day we were sitting at the coffeehouse and decided we really, really missed Heidi, who lived in Ithaca, NY at the time. In less than an hour we were packing our bags and fueling up my Tercel. Thirteen hours later, we arrived safe and sound. That's exactly the type of spontaneous adventure that gets my blood pumping, and I'll never forget how happy we were while driving away from St. Louis. That's also the trip when the rotted, writhing bag of potatoes was discovered in my trunk. Shuddup.

One more? Visiting you in Santa Cruz, the only time I've been to California. We got drunk at your kitchen table while listening to Marry Me Jane on repeat.

I hope your birthday is fantastic. You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are. And yes, 27 does seem a whole lot older than 26, but don't worry...we're all right behind you.


two days left

(currently bumpin' along with my new Nelly Furtado CD! bump along!)

Well, the concert last night was great. We managed to get seats (butt-numbing stools, but seats nonetheless) in a pretty good location, and getting there early wasn't as miserable as I predicted. OK Go was fantastic, and much to everyone's delight they cleared a section of the stage at the end of their set and did the whole "A Million Ways" dance. Death Cab was pretty good, but I enjoyed them more last April. They played a bunch of really mellow songs, which didn't seem to mesh with the crowd's vibe, but before the encores (and right before we left) they did a highly energetic song during which Ben, the lead singer, puts his guitar down and races over to a second drum set. He and the drummer then got into this intense drum duet which made the whole evening of waiting worth it. Rock on.

Only two complaints, really - people were squeezing past us the whole night. Mildly annoying at first, but by the hundredth pass I was ready to trip someone. My other beef was with the 6'5" dude and his 6' girlfriend that just had to stand in a place where they blocked the view of about fifteen people. The nerve!

Let's see, what else is new around these parts...

Oh, so it's about 65 degrees right now, and today it reached 70. December is in two days! Crazy!

But wait! On Thursday it's supposed to drop thirty degrees in a few hours, followed by rain, freezing rain, and SNOW. Mother Nature is a tricky lady, and boy does she like to mess with Midwesterners.

I'll leave you with this too-cute picture of my brother and my niece:


have you been watching? it's funnier lately!

Did you see Maya Rudolph singing the National Anthem on last night's (rerun) SNL? Fucking HILARIOUS! I love that it's supposed to be in St. Louis during the World Series.

And that's where the loves ends. Fucking NBC. They yanked it from YouTube immediately, and on their website it shows pictures from the skit but I can't find a link to an actual clip. The message boards on the page are filled with many of these same bitter sentiments - everyone loves it and can't understand why it's not on NBC's website. Some even bought the episode on iTunes and that skit was omitted! What's up with that?

I really hope you saw it. I'll let you know if I find it. So far the best I can do is link you to this still from the skit, and I must say I didn't notice the local grocery store reference until I saw this picture. Too funny. Someone did their research!

That's it for today. Bittersweet as usual.


five days left

Today has been a lazy day, by and large. Micah and I had Indian food for lunch, which is always fantastic and makes me jealous that some people eat that food everyday. Delish.

We meant to see For Your Consideration after that, but ended up wanting to just go home instead. There are reasons I see approximately two movies per year in the theater. It is just that easy to decide to do something else. Don't know what that's about.

I did order A Prairie Home Companion from On Demand, and Micah promptly fell asleep. I dozed off as well, but I liked as much as I saw of the movie. I'll have to resume it. I think Lindsay Lohan's character is going to sing "Amazing Grace" with Woody Harrelson's character, which makes me unreasonably happy.

I'm loving up this long weekend, but somehow Sunday still arrived too quickly. Christmas is officially "up" in our neighborhood. Big fun. Big, inflated fake snow globes fun. What is that about? I guess if there's any time you get away with flagrant tackyness, it's the month prior to the celebration of the birth of the baby jeebus.

I'm excited to see Beck on SNL tonight (even if it's a rerun) because I heard his band uses cups and other random things to make music, which, HELLO. Awesome.


making the merry

Just popping in briefly to say that I'm simply giddy because the gang is coming over for some games! How I worship game nights, which are becoming more frequent. We've got tequila, a gallon of margarita mix, and the pizzas are already on their way. I even happen to have grenadine and orange juice, so hopefully someone wants a Tequila Sunrise.

Not only do I expect us to get down with some Taboo, but I actually braved shopping hell today (ok, I waited until 5:00) and picked up a dry erase board, because there's going to be some mothereffing Win, Lose, or Draw up in here. Oh yes. YES!


so thankful

Ohhh. My achin' belly. Most humans aren't made for two Thanksgiving feasts in one day. It's just not natural.

At noon we went to Micah's sister's house in the country, which was actually really fun. His family is extremely hospitable and they all get along really well, much like my family. Whenever people make comments about dreading the drama that comes with family gatherings, I can't relate. Sure, there may be several cousins with whom I've never exchanged more than "hi" and "bye," but I'd take that over bickering any day. Micah's family all seemed genuinely happy to have us there, and I got to see some interesting things, including dear carcasses and a tub full of their half-dried entrails! Yee haw! As I've mentioned, I like to be grossed out, so I examined those carcasses as close as I could without smelling them. I also tried imitation pumpkin Schnapps, and friends, the aftertaste was like liquid pumpkin pie. Takes a second to get past the highlighter-orange color, though.

While I was there I kept wishing Micah's parents were still alive so I could have a chance to know them. You can get a sense of who they were simply by interacting with their five children, but what I wouldn't give to have them around, to see for myself. Micah's siblings are all so much older than he is, so they tend to act parental towards him. He's always been his own man, though.

We left DeSoto with a plate of leftovers, an understandably small bottle of 100 proof tequila, and several pounds of deer meat.

Then I made the mistake of laying down during our brief intermission between family events. I sure as hell didn't want to get up. But I did, because that's what you do.

We went to my cousin Linda's house and ate dinner with my dad's side of the family. Everyone seems to adore Micah, they asked him questions and made him feel welcome. It's amazing how marriage will make your family members take you more seriously. Sad but true, I think. I reminded my brother that we are in a similar situation regarding the continuance of two families - if he doesn't have a male child there will be no more Lueckings, and if I don't have a male child there will be no more Atkinsons. Crazy. I think that freaked him out a little because I'm pretty sure he doesn't have plans for another child.

All in all, it was a great day. Micah and I felt a lot of love. We feel like the Couple of the Year, which is entirely fitting because this has been the best year of my life. I'm so curious to see what the next will bring.

Quick aside - you know how people are always blaming Thanksgiving Day tiredness on the tryptophan in turkey? We watched a show on Nat'l Geographic that says that's not so. All meat has tryptophan in it, and it would take a lot more than even a large serving of turkey to affect you. Tiredness is caused by consuming upwards of 3,000 calories in one day. When you eat that much, digestion requires all of your energy, which causes your organs to slow down to accommodate the energy needs, which makes you tired. Interesting, no?


grosser than gross

(would you like a cookie with your nuclear run-off?)

I'm in a weird mood today. I just tried to figure out if I could pass my Intro to Programming class without doing any of the projects, because they scare the crap out of me. No dice. I must attempt them. I suppose even partial credit is better than none.

I have nothing to talk about. I'm so happy that we're under ten days away from being finished with this blogging challenge.

I went into my personal folders on my work computer looking for inspiration. I remember saving these pictures last year, but I can't remember why I saved them and why I saved so many (this isn't all of them). They're genuine recipes from 50s cookbooks, which is astounding.

I enjoy being grossed out, do you?

(a bit of lettuce with your Klingon Head?)

(an appropriate dish for Christmas dinner, no?)

(pretty sure this one ain't dead yet)

(nothing accompanies bovine vericose veins like potato wedges!)

Can you imagine if your mom plunked one of those suckers on the table and expected you to eat it? Life was like Fear Factor back then, huh? This is what the blogging boredom has come to. I foresee myself taking a vacation once December starts. I'll try to think of something brilliant to write about tomorrow, and I'll aim high for this weekend as well. Don't hold your breath, you could pass out doing that.


non sequitur

I have discovered that an all-liquid diet isn't so bad if you have a brand new blender and all kinds of tasty smoothie and shake ingredients.

Does fresh pineapple rip the shit out of your mouth, too?

Rice Krispie treats don't have to be made out of Rice Krispies. If your cereal boxes are down to the dregs, mix them all together and go on with your bad self. So tasty, even if that shit is stale.

I think being a wife has made me go all Domestic. I make the bed. I shine my kitchen appliances. I hang pretty dishtowels on the oven. And then I wash them. On a regular basis.

Why do I assume my boss is talking about me when he closes his door while he's on the phone?

Why does Micah always use the Statue of Liberty pen to write his checks, even though the ink flow is shoddy?

Why won't my mouse work on anything but the cheap, ugly, warped plastic mouse pad that came with it?

I always miss my faraway friends the most around the holidays.

I want to teach my niece to ride a horse.

I wish Monday night tv was better so I'd have a reason to shut up already.

My husband looks cosy and cute under the blanket on the couch. I think I'll go join him even though he's watching some video game show on G4.


how very professional

So, I went for my follow up with the dental surgeon on Friday. He wanted to make sure the hole where my tooth used to be was healing correctly. The next step in the procedure is to get an implant (a screw in my jaw) that will have to be in 10-12 weeks, and then I can go in to get fitted for a crown.

The implant procedure is costly and not covered by insurance. My fancy-pants cocky doctor probably doesn't understand the phrase "I cannot afford it right now," or at least that's the impression I got after convincing him that yes, I will be back for the implant! Yes, I realize my jaw will deteriorate and my teeth will shift and it's VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT. Got it.

This is what he says to me at the very end of his speech about why I need to get it sooner than later:

"You don't want a big hoosier hole in your mouth, do you? You're not a hoosier, are you?"

(If you're not from St. Louis..."hoosier" = white trash)


i have a confession to make

We put up the Christmas tree.

I'm disappointed in myself. Normally I'm vehemently opposed to putting up anything until after Thanksgiving. That's how it was in my house growing up. My dad didn't string up the outside lights until early December, and we didn't put the tree up until two weeks out. I thought that's how it should be.

Then I married someone who doesn't remember ever having a Christmas tree. After his mom died, his dad just couldn't bring himself to be the sole bearer of happy tidings. That breaks my Christmas Freak heart.

The lights and (fake) pine roping went up a week ago around the doorframes. The tree went up today. I managed to fit just about every new ornament I got from Crate & Barrel onto the tree, as well as some cute dollar store finds for good measure. I don't want the tree to get cocky.

I have another confession.

It's fake.

(At least it's 3-D this year. Last year it was a zig-zagged string of lights with some broken up pine branches tucked in everywhere. The ornaments were paper.)


gurgle, sputter (alternately titled "linkin' blogs")

I just wrote a nice post linking to all sorts of blogs and websites that I adore, complete with fawning descriptions that would definitely make you want to go visit. Then I hit "publish" and I FUCKING HATE THE INTERNET SOMETIMES. Error screen. Blogger outage. WHATEVER, IT SUCKS. And I can't bring myself to rewrite in such loving detail because I have homework to do. Bah.

So, here ya go. Skeleton descriptions.

Pop Candy - I don't know why you aren't reading this everyday.

Ruined Music - everyone has a song or two forever ruined because of the history they represent. Here, people spill the reasons why, essay-style.

Snarkywood - Puh-LEAZ go check this out, and don't skip the archives. I wanna be a Snarker.

Cute Overload - if you need a smile on your face PRONTO.

Famous people have blogs too:
Rosie - I love "ask rosie" and looking at her candid pictures
Zach Braff - such great musical taste, so down to earth
Sasha Cohen - shut up and let me have my ice skating idol!

Awesome - a few funny ladies with good taste peruse the internet for great products. Cool, cute, retro, necessary, the gambit. There's a list of links that go to some great off-the-path web stores.
A few bloggers whose writing I love and who always crack my shit up:
City Wendy
Nothing but Bonfires
Mimi Smartypants
Dad Gone Mad
The Random Muse

Go and enjoy. Sometimes it's hard to get into the blogs of people you don't know, and I must say that I've read most of the archives in the forty-something blogs I read daily and it really helps to enjoy them. But the ones that aren't personal blogs are easy to get into...especially Pop Candy and Snarkywood.
A few issues not unrelated to the lack of substance on this blog - I agree with this thought of Cecily's: posting to your blog everyday seriously dilutes it. Usually you have a couple days where ideas roll around in your brain, and when you actually sit down to write it has more substance. Even before I started this challenge I kept thinking that I wasn't happy with the content on my blog. It's usually just a bunch of blabbing about nothing important. I remember when I used to write write, back when I used the word "like" because I was setting up a metaphor, and not because I was trying to convey my own ditsyness. I'm still unsure if I've got the right number of commas and I steadily ignore the rules about not ending a sentence with the word "of" and not starting a sentence with the word "and." I know I'm not trying to win any fuckin' contests with this blog, but every once in awhile I'd like to look at what I wrote and think "damn, that's good."



Today is the halfway point for this blogging everyday thing. Thank goodness.

I have little to say besides "let there be pictures."

first, of course, me and my mister

Kim, Gabby, Jacky

my brother's girlfriend and Nancy from Texas, blending, blending

my awesome cousins from Texas, my brother and me

Catherine and Josh. So cute, you two.
Wendy and Jon (I would like to mention that there are more pictures of these two than any others, including me and Micah...)

Mandy, having a fabulous hair day.

My Aunt Gloria (left) and her best friend Joyce. They are globetrotting retirees and my two favorite Republicans.
Wendy, Jon, Mandy, Noel, and Noel's mom, who sent ME a thank you note for inviting her! Precious.
My dad, who looks happier than I've ever seen him, and my brother
That's all for now, this is taking forever!


"Good pizza is never round."

I just wanted to say that making homemade pizza from scratch is not as daunting as you might think. I was inspired because we got some very cool pizza accessories as wedding gifts, including a little recipe book.

My only real experiences with homemade pizza happened when I was preteen and friends with this girl Cara whose mother would make it for us on special occasions or when she was feeling nice. We'd all gather in her kitchen and shoot the shit while Mama D, as we called her, would knead dough, stir sauce, and chop ingredients. The end result was marvelous. Remembering this delicious pizza made me pretty convinced that it required a special talent that I just don't have.

WRONG! It's actually quite easy. So surprisingly easy, in fact, that not only did I make it for dinner for my brother and his girlfriend this past weekend, I'm making it when we have my parents and our priest over for dinner in a few weeks, and again for the second annual Christmas party at our apartment. Yes, I said there's a priest coming over for dinner. He's AWESOME.

Anyway. I'm going to break this down into easy bits. Don't be frightened.

(this makes one large pizza, two medium-sized ones, or four tiny-ass ones. If you're doing this for a party, make a double recipe)

1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 cup tepid water
1 packet of active dry yeast (in the baking aisle)

1. Combine all dry ingredients and mix together in a bowl.
2. Form a well in the center and pour in the water and oil.
3. Mix gradually until you are able to pick up the dough with your hands.
4. Sprinkle some flour on your clean kitchen counter. Knead the dough for 10 minutes.
5. Form the dough into a ball, rub a little oil on the surface, and place it back in the bowl. Put a towel over the top. Leave it the hell alone for at least an hour so it can rise.*
6. Dough is ready when it looks like it has doubled in size and is sproingy to the touch. (Knowing when the dough is ready kind of freaked me out, but don't be scared. I found that it's very hard to fuck up dough if you just let it sit for 1-2 hours.)
7. Right before you're ready to use the dough, knead it for two minutes.

*When I say "at least," I mean go check on it after an hour. Yeast is very sensitive to temperature, so if your kitchen is chilly it will take twice as long. You can put dough in the fridge if you want it to stop rising but aren't ready to use it yet.

Are you scared yet? I promise, it's fun. Keep going.

Sure, you can just buy some sauce. But then you can't really say you made pizza from scratch, can you?

2 containers of Roma tomatoes (roughly 2-3 pounds)
3 garlic cloves, chopped up (ok, I cheated here and bought the minced kind, but I HATE cutting garlic)
a pinch of sugar
1 medium onion, chopped up
a pinch of dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste

This is where you can start adding your own flair. Just keep tasting the sauce through the process and if it tastes good, it's good! Now, I didn't exactly follow the procedure in the book because I bought fresh tomatoes instead of canned (which means they're usually skinned).

Here's what you do:

1. Cut the ugly butt off of all the tomatoes, and cut them in half. Dump them into your blender.
2. Pour in the olive oil.
3. Blend the fuck out of it, which won't take long.
4. Pour the sauce into a pan, and turn the burner on so it's halfway between the lowest and the medium setting. The sauce will be extremely watery, but you SHOULD NOT CARE.
5. Sautee the chopped onion and garlic in olive oil for just a few minutes in their own pan. Add a pinch or two of sugar. Don't let the onions get brown.
6. Add onions and garlic to the simmering tomato sauce.
7. Let the sauce simmer uncovered for at least an hour, I let mine go about 90 minutes. Make sure you stir it every once in awhile. You know it's done when it's nice and thick, not watery at all.

Honestly? The time it takes to prepare the pizza might be the worst part about it. Make the dough right before you make the sauce. It won't kill either to wait for the other to be ready.


There are no rules. Make shit up. Everything tastes good on a pizza. Even potatoes.

Some suggestions:

Margherita Pizza...
-get a chunk of fresh mozarella, and slice it generously.
-spread yer sauce on the dough
-pepper the hell out of the moz.
-cut up fresh basil and sprinkle on pizza AFTER it comes out of the oven.

Veggie Pizza...
-sautee zucchini, mushrooms, large chunks of red onion, garlic, peppers, shit - ANY veggie is good on pizza - in olive oil. Make sure you salt & pepper it. Drain the olive oil and cool the veggies before putting them on top of the sauce.
-I prefer veggies under cheese instead of vice versa, but that's just me. Veggies on top do look lovely.

Helena Pizza... (stolen with love from Mangia, my fave restaurant)
-use pesto instead of tomato sauce
-buy a jar of roasted red peppers, some feta, and shrimp (or skip the shrimp and go heavy on the roasted peppers if you're a seafood-phobe)
-spread pesto and garnish just like any other pizza, but make sure you defrost and de-tail the shrimp. Also, slice up the peppers into pinkie-sized slivers.
-Sprinkle feta e'rywhere on that mug because feta is mmmm-tastic.

Buffalo Pizza...
-buy Tyson Buffalo Chicken Strips, cook them in the oven for 1/2 of the directed time on the package (if you cook them fully and then cook them again on the pizza, the chicken will be dry as hell). Dice up the chicken.
-This is an instance where I'd put the topping ON TOP of the cheese so the flavorful buffalo coating gets a little crispy.
-Pour some bleu cheese dressing into a sandwich bag and snip off one corner. When the pizza is done, drizzle the bleu cheese over the pizza in an artsy manner. (Don't worry, it's impossible for it NOT to look artsy. It's homemade pizza!)


-Preheat oven to 400
-Preheat the baking sheet or pizza stone (I use a baking sheet and it works just fine) for a few minutes before you put the dough on it
-Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour before putting the dough on it

Rolling out the dough:
Yes, you need a rolling pin for this. Don't be silly and assume you can flatten it with your heavy-ass textbook or something. Don't roll out the entire piece of dough unless you're making one giant pizza. Each pizza gets it's own roll-job. The first pizzas I made were a huge hit, but I decided I didn't like how thick the crust was. I wanted something thinner. This is all about how YOU like pizza, and I guess you won't know if you want it to be different until you try it first. The second time I made pizza I rolled it out thinner and I'm much happier about it, though the First Try pizza testers loved the thicker crust, so...it's all a matter of personal preference.

-Bake each pizza 20-25 minutes. For the thicker crust, 22 minutes was perfect. For the thinner crust, only go about 15 minutes. You'll know it's done when the edges are slightly brown and the cheese is completely melted but not brown yet. If you're using a regular baking sheet, don't look for darkness on the bottom of the crust - it stays pretty white even when the pizza is definitely done. Don't be afraid to put in two pizzas at once if you have more than one rack. Just switch them halfway through so they get equal treatment, especially if your oven is an unevenly baking monster, like mine.

NOW. Aren't you a little less intimidated about making pizza? Or are you having a hearty laugh at my expense? I swear to god you'll feel so fucking accomplished when the first person groans your name and says "this is SO. GOOD." And they will. THEY WILL!

Oh, and if you're going to make pizza for party, don't stress about the fact that all of the pizza won't be done at the same time, because if you're making more than two pizzas, that will be your reality. View it as a tasting party, and I promise people will look forward to what they get to eat next.

Damn, I wish I had a picture or something. If you make pizza, I want to hear about it. The length of this post might make you question my assertion that it is in fact easy to make pizza, but I assure you I'm just verbose in general and I included some dialogue that was NOT included in the recipe book. Because I want you to be successful, you saucy little minx.


shameless self-promotion

Around this time last year I discovered a hidden talent: I can decorate the ass off of some Christmas stockings. Noe and I decided to give everyone stockings at our Christmas party - not only would we fill them with lots of sah-weet dollar store knickknacks, but we'd buy plain red ones and have at them with our crafty selves. I bought lots of felt, a glue gun, and some of those poofy ball things.

And now I'm wondering if maybe I could sell them. What do you think?

I don't know who exactly I'd sell them to or where I'd advertise. I suppose I could set up a website and link to it on the blog...to think I might already be able to use something I learned in the web design class! If I'm feeling really brave, I could send some pictures to a few bloggers who have websites dedicated to finding cool new products on the internet. Or is that ridiculous, because they're not that cute? Cute like your friend made them for you and you know it took her awhile but that's about it?
I like the idea that they could be custom made, say if someone had a daughter who loved trucks, I could make something like that happen. I could have standard designs to choose from, too. Hmmm. How do I decide what they're worth? What would you pay for one of these? (If you'd never buy something like this but you happened to receive one last year from us, please be nice and just give me an approximate value.)
I think now that I know my way around decorating stockings I could get even better and more complicated this year.
So? What do you think? If I'm outta my gord, it's your duty as my friend to tell me.
p.s. There are several people who are getting a stocking this year, including one who reads this blog. I hope you know who you are!

p.p.s. I'm hoping I haven't offended Noes because she made some dang cute stockings, including mine, which I love. I think I just...got into it more. Ok, fine, I completely geeked out on it and was really sad that stocking making season had to end. But here it comes again. I can smell it.


that was close

OMG! I totally almost forgot to blog today! Did I scare you? It's been a busy day, I guess. Lots of cleaning. My brother and his girlfriend came over for dinner and I made motherfucking homemade pizza, beotches! I am becoming the kitchen fucking master. I made the dough and sauce from scratch, and I also roasted my own peppers instead of buying a jar of them. And you know what? It was good. There were three - shrimp, roasted peppers, and feta cheese on pesto sauce instead of tomato, a grilled veggies and garlic pizza, and a margerita pizza with fresh basil and huge mozarella chunks. GO ME.


come a long way, baby

I just spent all of the Crate & Barrel gift cards that we got in one fell swoop. Half of what I spent was on Christmas tree ornaments, which I am extremely happy about, because I am all about Christmas and we're doing a tree this year. But I bought some expensive silverware that was $29.95 PER PLACE SETTING and I had the clerk go through such a hassle in finding them, going back for more, and general indecisiveness, that I ended up buying them all and I'm going to take them all back tomorrow.

But the lovely, cheerful, sturdy-as-fuck doormat is staying. So are the silver spoon rest and the fancy ornament hooks. Micah looked kind of sick to his stomach when I told him I spent it all. Then I unwrapped all of the amazingly beautiful ornaments and told him these would be the ornaments we'll have for the rest of our lives, the ones we'll hang with our children. So he's cool with the ornaments but the silverware has got to go back. I might hate our current ugly, cheap, and mismatched silverware but it sure as hell didn't set us back a few hundred bones.

I don't think I have enough street cred to be saying "bones" instead of "bucks." Hm.

p.s. Britney? Hi. You're looking fabulous. I know I said one time that I thought you and Kevin were hot together, but that's when you two were so new and you looked so happy. I was kind of swept away, too. Everyone could love you again.
Wanna see 13-year-old Micah with a mullet? Tee-hee!

(love my scanner love my scanner)

Ok, so it's a mini-mullet, but had he given this look another couple years it would've been full-blown. YOWZA!
Now, some serious cuteness:

Those cheeks! Oh my god, those cheeks.
Here's Micah with his mother, who was in a fatal car accident when he was four. I think she's beautiful, and I think he looks just like her. What do you think?

For those of you who haven't had the delight of seeing Micah's new haircut...

Wedding reception pictures coming soon.

And now, back to this contest. But there is no right or wrong answer. I would simply like to know your favorite term for a mullet. Everyone gets a point.


gag me with gauze


I just got a tooth pulled! It's a tragic story, one that involves lots of money, little heath insurance, and a whole lot of gagging.

The short of it:
A year ago I found out I needed a root canal.
I had no dental insurance.
I got the root canal anyway to save my tooth.
I gradually paid off the $1200 it cost.
The dentist found out he was working on me without insurance and basically said "come back when you get some."
I've been going to this dentist since I was a baby. He was a close family friend before he became our dentist.
Mind you, he told me this even though he'd only put a temporary filling into the tooth.
Temporary = tightly packed substance that tastes and feels like masticated paper towels.
Filling disintegrated, tooth cracked, tooth worn down to scary nub.
If I smile wide enough you can see what's missing.
I get married and suddenly I've got health insurance.
I get teeth cleaned for first time in LONG time, two cavities are discovered (lil ones that can be sandblasted off! neat!) and I'm referred to a dental surgeon for a consultation about my mess of a tooth.
I get appt with dental surgeon, FUCK that's a frightening concept, but he turns out be a young, charming, hyper man who I immediately like even though I bet he's a TOTAL ASS outside of the office, like Dr. Reyes on Dr. 90210.
(Wait, wasn't this supposed to be the SHORT of it? Sshhhhh. Vicodin haze over here.)
He tells me all about implants and crowns and I'm totally sold. Another $1300? Oh, whatever. I fucking give up. I want my tooth back.
Except I don't want it $1300 worth right now. I have a wedding reception and a large credit card balance to be paying off.
But Mr. Nasty Tooth can come right out for $90! Done!
And I've spent the last two hours gagging. Something about the large hunk of gauze I'm obediantly biting down makes saliva pour into my mouth and my throat to close up and I almost hurled like ten times driving home and THANK GOD I had nothing in my stomach.
But now I do! Because they said I can eat soft things, I stopped and Steak 'n Shake and got myself a chocolate shake and some chili.
And while I was chugging the milkshake one of the ginormous Vicodins found its way into my mouth because I am just preparing. Foreshadowing. I see pain ahead. Also, a nap.

Oh, and maybe I don't want to stop the contest. Will you still play with me?

Did I tell you I'm not supposed to smoke a cigarette for 24 hours? After a MAJOR DENTAL PROCEDURE. Something about it can unclot the clot that is clotting up the new hole in yer mouth.

Here's your contest question already because seriously it's getting hard to focus and I very much need to lie down. You know what? Nevermind. Can't do it. Definitely tomorrow.


my favorite tea

I'm not one of those people who does weird things like put milk in my tea. Milk in my favorite tea would be nasty.

If you want some excitement in your tea, look no further than Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger. It truly puts the zing in tea, and lemme tell you, tea needs all the zing it can get.

Here are the ingredients: Hibiscus (who knew it was edible?), rosehips, peppermint, lemongrass, orange peel, lemon myrtle, licorice, and wild cherry bark. Don't worry, you can't taste the licorice. I wouldn't love it if you could taste it. As someone who doesn't drink caffeine, this is the closest I get to a wake-up brew. CS also makes Lemon Zinger, which I like but I find it tastes too much like lemon peels.

Why am I getting tired of doing these favorites? I think it has more to do with struggling to find something to write about everyday and it's easy to think of things I love. Any suggestions?
And this contest thing? I can't get enough consistent participation to call it a contest. I hate to be a quitter but I just might have to stop the contest.

Tonight I will finally have my hands on the disposable cameras from the party, and also the memory card from my mom's camera. Elation. I'll put up all kinds of pictures very soon.
Dear America:

Stop fucking calling it Missourah.

Love, Gabby


my favorite thing to do on a voting Tuesday

Vote, naturally.

My least favorite thing to do on a voting Tuesday is try to find a parking spot within 1/2 mile of our apartment because our area's voting place is the elementary school literally on our block. Why they can't use the huge asphalt playground as a parking lot, I dunno. I guess because kids might actually be playing on it. (That said, you should see what St. Louis city considers an adequate playground. So sad. A couple rubber balls and a few tires. Yes. Tires.)

Voting is, like totally my new favorite thing. Unfortunately during the last election I was living in a thoroughly blue state and they didn't need my vote as much as my home state did. It'll be very interesting to see what happens today in Missouri, which always votes for the winning president, but this time it's a local thang so all bets are off. As of last night the polls showed a lead for the Democrat, Claire McCaskill. The margin is frightfully tiny, however, which means people will actually go vote. Awesome.

A couple of other highly inflammatory issues are at stake in MO. Amendment 2, the Stem Cell Initiative, is causing all kinds of controversy locally and nationally. The always endearing Michael J. Fox brought our local issue to national attention, which is more blessing than curse, except when idiots like Limbaugh take cheap shots at an ailing man and make up lies about what Amendment 2 is all about - he'd have you believe it funds cloning, but it doesn't. I just looked it up for myself and the VERY FIRST LINE after the introductory paragraph says this: (a) No person may clone or attempt to clone a human being.

The second hot-button issue is the proposed increase in cigarette taxes to fund anti-smoking measures. Of course as a smoker I will be voting against this. They are suggesting a tax of 4 cents per cigarette - that's an extra 80 cents a pack, which sucks but not hard enough to make smokers quit. I realize smokers in other states are already paying roughly twice what we pay, so if it's passed I won't complain.

There's also a proposition to raise the minimum wage, which I'm pretty sure hasn't been increased for like 20 years. And they're raising it to a whole $6.50, those generous lawmakers! Ok, maybe I should read up on these things before I go criticizing them, because this proposition actually says that if the federal minimum wage is higher than $6.50, MO will match that amount, and "thereafter the state minimum wage will be adjusted every year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index." How about that. Progression.

----In Other News----

If you read this and know my husband Micah and you weren't at our wedding reception this weekend, you might be interested to know that Micah cut all his hair off last week. He thought his long hair looked terrible with his new suit. I had NOTHING to do with it. Really, I didn't. I was just as shocked as everyone else. But DAMN, my man is foyne.

Your contest question! A.k.a. the end of the political shtuff, because it really ain't my back of tricks.

Which state has the highest voter turnout (77.3% in 2004)?

a) Indiana
b) Montana
c) Iowa
d) Minnesota

Go! Vote!


my favorite game

I am addicted to board games. I heart them, love them, covet them, etc. They come in fancy forms (Scene It?) and very basic forms (Taboo) but they all provide a fun competitive atmosphere that usually stretches your brain in some way or another.
When I was thinking about my favorite game and forcing myself to narrow it down, this is what made Pictionary the winner across the board (pun definitely intended):
You don't have to draw well to be good at it.
You can play a slightly altered version where every single round is an All Play so that no one is bored for even a second, which is very important.
There's no advantage among any of the players. Ever. I've seen some artists draw very poor pictures and those with no real drawing talent draw one well-placed line and win the round.
It's a race against the timer AND the other teams. Time limit = frenzy = fun.
I'll also give shout-outs to Taboo, Scrabble, and Loaded Questions.
For some reason, I really want to be good at Taboo. The best ever. I don't know what that's about. Taboo is the perfect example of a game with profound advantage possibilities - if your partner in the game is your parter in life (or a really close friend) there are a million inside jokes to utilize for faster answes. Of course I love the advantage when I'm playing but I hate when someone else has it. That's why Taboo didn't win.
Scrabble is a word dork standby. I've been playing it with my dad since I was little, and let me tell you, he never let me win. Oh, no. My dad is so geeked out on Scrabble he memorized the wood grains on the back of the letter set when he was young. When we played, the Britannica three-volume dictionary set was always fetched and used by my dad as he verified that something like MARYZL is in fact a word. (He also never let me win at Rummy.) Now I can beat him every so often and it makes him mad, but I know secretly he's proud of me. And maybe a little worried about the Alzheimers.
Loaded Questions is a game best played with 3-5 close friends. The questions are hypothetical, and each person takes a turn asking the question to the other players who then write their answers down. The asker guesses the written answers and gets to move one space for every correct guess. It's totally a bonding experience, and you always learn something you didn't know about one of your darling friends.
----In Other News----
I'll post some pictures of the party AS SOON AS I GET SOME. Because we didn't hire a photographer, I'll be the last to see the pictures. Must get my hands on those twenty disposables PRONTO.
Now, back to this contest.
This one is kind of a repeat and you might hate me, but be nice to me. I've had major homework to catch up on today and little time to scour the interwebnet.
What do you call a group of giraffes?
(shut up! I really liked reading all the animal group names!)
1. a canopy
2. a tower
3. a blend
4. a spot


blog my guts out

I feel like I've been run over by a large hooved animal.

In other words, the party was fantastic! The best night of my life so far. Everyone seemed so genuinely happy to be there, which was touching. I think the only person that looked miserable was my friend Steph, who I rarely talk to anymore, but she's pregnant and she brought her very bored daughter with her, so she was dealing with some serious handicaps. Once my neice arrived she perked up. The little people love the other little people.

Many of the guests were my parents' friends, all of whom they've known for over thirty years, so these are the people that watched me grow up. They were all so kind, generous, and ready to smile. Most of my extended family came as well, which I was sort of worried about. We all see each other 2-3 times a year for the major holidays. I can honestly say there's one cousin around my parents' age that has never said more than "hi" to me. I really can't stand her and her consta-snarl face, but in this instance I had to be nothing but Miss Congeniality whether I liked it or not. Turns out I liked it! In fact, I was such a hyper, carefree hostess that I talked with everyone at least twice and actually enjoyed it. I have never ever been one for small talk, but dudes, I was a CHAMP last night. I really am proud of myself, because that type of social situation is painful for me. Okay, so I was totally liquored up by the end of the second hour, but whatever. I don't believe I made a fool of myself at any point. Hopefully.

Highlights & Lowlights

- You know what's really super fun? When you use a hairdryer while the hair straightener is warming up with both the sink and the over headlights on in the bathroom and you blow a fuse an hour before your wedding reception! And then? Right when you think it won't be a problem because you can just sit on the bedroom floor by the outlets and finish up your 'do, you discover that the power is also out where the computer is plugged in, and you haven't finished burning the four fucking hours of music for the party because your shit-ass computer decided to let iTunes malfunction and you think downloading the upgrade will fix it but you're not sure and now you can't even turn the motherfucker ON! Yeah! Good times!

- A crying spell, approximately five minutes long. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, GAB? Hmmm? Surely yelling at your husband will help!

- But what is this? A Christmas miracle two months early? The burner gets it shit together, albeit veeeery slowly, and all four hours of music are eventually recorded even though I was running 40 minutes late by that point. Micah was sent ahead of me with the vases so the centerpieces could be done.

- The place looked gorgeous when I finally got there. The dark silver chair ribbon thingies were lovely, and the pale blue hydrangeas were tinged with a similar shade. My parents and two of my favorite cousins from Texas were there, all smiles, all compliments and cheer.

- Oh god. Why are both of Micah's speakers in one room? One was supposed to go in the other room where I was told the bar would be, as well as cocktail tables. This is all wrong. ALL WRONG.

- Ok, ok, fine. I see that stretching the cord right across the main entrance wouldn't be smart. Because Americans have to be so fucking sue-happy, my speakers can't go where I want them. Wah. I think I stomped my foot once or twice.

- Bridezilla moment over! The bar is open! The bartender learns I am the bride at this here shindig and proceeds to pour me a vodka tonic so strong it would've inebriated a horse.

- Oh, yay! The bartender mixes up a fruity concoction in a pitcher and I am officially good to go for the rest of the night.

- My shoe strap breaks. Perfect! (I love you, ankle strap. You made it all ok.)

-And wow, the niceness. Everyone was so dang gracious. And the food was even better than it was when we did the taste testing.

- My 10 year old cousin asks me if there is going to be dancing and my heart falls into a messy puddle because I'm the Scrooge who was all "I don't want a dance floor!"

- It went by soooo fast. Whizzed right by me. I could barely sit still long enough to eat dinner, because I was on a mingling mission.

It was awesome. I got wasted and never had a hint of nausea. When we got home Saturday night I maniacally ripped open envelopes and marvelled at the generosity while Micah tore open boxes and held up shiny appliaces. I am more in love than ever, and seeing all those people together was really special.

That's all for now. My whole body aches. My thighs are extremely mad at me for not warning them that I would spend a good portion of the evening squatting as gracefully as possible next to guests so I could talk to them without hovering over them. They hurt so bad. The bottoms of my feet feel like they've been punched by a thousand little fists.

But other than that? I've never felt more happy or lucky in all my life.


and I feel fine

My favorite beer! Now we're getting somewhere.

The guy I was with before my husband was a great guy, I can't really say anything mean about him. Sure, he was supremely messy and couldn't cotton to the concept of having a boss, but all in all he was a really nice hippie. With a killer instinct for good beer. Before knowing him, I would be perfectly happy with a Bud Light, and thought Heineken was fancy. Oh, how my taste buds have transcended. Every time we bought beer it was something new and exciting, an experience. You know how those hippies like their experiences.

So basically he turned me into a beer snob.

Some things I've noticed about beer, though keep in mind in the grand scheme I'm a mere novice:
1. Very rarely do you want to drink a good beer out of the bottle.
2. It usually needs a special glass to allow maximum sipping pleasure. There's a very scientific explanation for these things, and I'm surely not the girl to be going there.
3. Speaking of sipping, you absolutely do not chug good beer.
4. A good beer doesn't go flat five minutes after you pour it.
5. A good beer has an alcohol content closer to ten than zero. It'll set you back a few bucks more than one Bud Light, but you'd have to drink two Buds for every good beer to get the same effect. The edge will officially be off within three good sips. Trust.
6. Good beer is VERY RARELY made in America. Try Belgium, Germany, Canada, Holland, and France.
8. Wait a second. Canada? The folks responsible for Molson freakin' Ice?

Ohhhh yes. The Unibroue Brewery in Chambly, Quebec (should I take a short pause while you giggle because it's probably pronounced "Uni-brow?") brews a fabulous line of beers and one of them has become my favorite. La Fin du Monde. The End of the World.

You won't find it at your local dive, I'm sad to say, but if you look hard enough you'll find it eventually. Or, if you're lucky, your local bar/restaurant has excellent taste and keeps it stocked and cold.
La Fin du Monde definitely has punch, but dare I say, it's a fruity punch. It's a party in your mouth. It goes wonderfully with just about everything on your plate. When you arrive at the restaurant (Mangia, in my case) absolutely starving, this beer can act as an appetizer.
You should try it sometime.
(I intended to go into more depth about the beer but then I realized I'm just spewing alternate ways to say "it's really good!" so I'll just tell you - it's really good - and let it be.
-----In Other News-----
This one is for Hei, who recently inquired if I'd had any experiences that made me certain I'd never have that experience again.
My husband drinks A LOT of juice. If I didn't write him a list when he goes to the store, he'd come back with Yoplait Chocolate Whips and eight large bottles of juice, usually grape (white and purple) orange, orange-pinespple, white cranberry, tomato, and sometimes he picks up some prune juice as well.
A couple weeks ago I saw a glass of grape juice on the coffeetable and walked right up to it and took a huge gulp. You can probably see where this is going.
Micah: That's prune juice, baby!
Micah: You don't like it? I find it so exciting!
Me: (incredulous) Exciting? It tastes like cleaning fluid and fermented ass!!
Micah: No, no. It's exciting. Every time I drink it I feel excited and energized.
Me: That's weird. Really weird.
But after I pondered the concept of an exciting juice experience, I realized that's exactly the way I feel about V8. I don't and couldn't drink it everyday, but when I do drink it...I kind of look forward to it, I guess. It's different...almost disgusting but actually pretty good.
That said, I will never, EVER drink prune juice again. Unless I am debilitatingly constipated.
Uh oh, I realized this is the point where I'm supposed to have a contest question. Can we skip that today? I'll give you three tomorrow or something. Tonight is our wedding reception and I'm so totally fucking excited it's comical. Also quite annoying to Micah because I've sat at this computer for HOURS trying to come up with the perfect music compilation instead of curled up on the couch keeping each other warm.
I realize the music is a background thing, some people might not notice it. I feel that music can bring our party to life, and I have even gone so far as to design the mixes so they'll be appropriate to the mood. The first hour is warm, inviting, and decidedly peppy. It takes a slower, jazzier turn when dinner starts. Toward the end of dinner it livens up, perhaps encouraging people to commence with the mingling. The fourth hour is upbeat, hopefully reflecting the good mood of those getting their steady drink on. Yes, I have thought too much about this, spent too much time agonizing over it, and it's almost to the point where I've heard the songs so much I don't enjoy them anymore. Still, I'm signed off without a contest because there is still a bit of tweaking to do, and in the next 30 minutes I hope to actually burn the fucking music to discs, already.


My favorite lotion

"It puts the lotion on its skin" has got to be one the funniest lines that never gets old.

Wait, wait. Can I say something first?

Only ONE PERSON wants to participate in my lil contest? Really? Hmm. Ok. Well I'll try it for another couple of days and see what happens, and it's quite possible that Sam, whoever he (she?) is, will be getting a prize just for giving it a chance. Be a joiner already!

Perhaps the idea of listening to me ramble about my favorite lotion sounds like the most boring idea for what you'll do in the next five minutes. Or maybe you love hydrated skin and want to hear what I have to say!

This lotion coup is brought to you by Origins.

A Perfect World lotion was given to me as a gift last Christmas. I still have it. Why in the world would I still have some if it's the best lotion around? Because it's the best lotion around! You don't go scarfin' down caviar, do you? You savor. (Or puke, I suppose, but you get the point.)

This lotion is in rotation with some mighty yummy peers, but it manages to surpass the abilities of the common (cheap) lotion so thoroughly that I literally look forward to using it again before I'm even finished applying it. It's best (as the directions will tell you) right after a shower before you're completely dry. It smells like peaches to me, but oddly enough that's nowhere in the description of the product, though it does use this phrase "this creamy-rich, aromatic oasis coddles body skin to noticeable smoothness." Um, yeah it does! Then it says "mimosa sleekens slacking skin-texture so it looks and feels more taut, more toned." I say, these hyphen-loving (ha!) Origins authors should win a poetry contest or something. The alliteration! The personification! It's enough to make me apply for their job.

At $30 a pop, I bet those Origins writers are bankin'. But you know what? Totally worth it. Then again, I didn't pay for it. But I will when it's empty.
------In Other News------
Have you ever had to tie itty bitty bows for hours on end? My eyes and hands, they ache. That's what you get when you decide to take the cheapest route possible and do favors for a party by hand. By yourself. Not that I didn't have options for helpers...I guess I saw it as a challenge, at the completion of which I could feel supremely accomplished. About tying little bows? Egads, girlfriend, have you completely oppressed the butch in you?!
(Shut up. I know it was only like 9% to begin with.)
On with the contest. My sad little contest. But YOU, yes YOU can make it happy!
(Also, I'm no longer going to moderate the comments. Cheat away. Whatever. And I think I'll try two questions a day instead of one.)
1. Who said this?
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
a) Louisa May Alcott
b) Martha Graham
c) Mark Twain
d) Mr. Rogers
2. What do you call a group of otters?
a) a bunch
b) a float
c) a scamp
d) a romp


My favorite cookie, and a contest!

Gentle readers,

You probably don't know that my first coherent word was "cookie." This is an amusing but horrifying fact to me, a fact that speaks volumes about the sort of thing I am wont to eat.

Hopefully you've heard of the company Harry & David? No? Well, most people are familiar with their fruit delivery service, because somehow they manage to procure the tastiest fucking pears and apples you will ever eat. They are UPSed from Utopia. Unfortunately most of their products are very expensive. For example, my favorite cookie in the world, the Galette, is $32.50 for a tin, which probably holds thirty cookies (they don't specify). That's $1.08 per cookie. Not bad, right? Um...how do I break this to you gently...each Galette has about the same diameter as a regulation yo-yo (regulation? like I'd know!) but only half as wide. Yes. A small cookie. I'd only pay a dollar for a cookie if it was as least as big as my hand.

But friends. The Galette is The Perfect Cookie. Therefore, there is no price too high.

I first became acquainted with Galettes when I was young and my aunt would send us the Harry & David Cookie Book - it was a box shaped and designed as a huge book (reference-section huge) that was filled with all the varieties of H&D cookies. There were three stacks of Galettes, and I'm pretty sure no one got ahold of more than one, because I was on that shit. One year my aunt decided enough was enough with the Cookie Book, to my great disappointment. My favorite moment with Galettes was when my mom sent me a whole tin during my freshman year in college. I think I cried.

I'd like to direct your attention to the Galette description hot off the Harry & David website. I'll be analyzing these declarations point by point.

"Sometimes our bakers show no mercy." These H&D people know that their bakers have devised the perfect cookie. They know it is impossible to eat just one. Shit, try stopping at five. Won't happen.

"Tender and buttery on the outside, spread with delectable fruit fillings on the inside." This filling they speak of? Utterly delightful. In no way, shape, or form does it resemble jelly or any equally disappointing substance. (Don't get me wrong, I love me some jelly, but if they attempted to put it in a Galette it would be wrong. WRONG!) The filling is fruity, light, and extremely smooth. And damn, are they understating the truth when they say "tender and buttery." There is nothing more tender and buttery in all the land.

"We bake these delicate cookies gently to prevent browning or crisping." This is perhaps the best part of the Galette concept. This technique is spot on. It is everything a homemade batch of chocolate chippers is not. Because, come on. We know you forgot about the cookies because Flavor Flav was seriously considering that crazy bitch New York. Harry & David never forget.

"Five flavors: Raspberry, Blackberry, Apricot-Pineapple, Oregold® Peach and Orange-Cranberry." Well shoot! Even I was surprised at this one. I've never tried Orange-Cranberry! Hm...maybe I should tell my mom the only thing I want for Christmas is a couple tins of Galettes. Not really a fan of the Apricot-Pineapple, but the Oregold Peach is very nice, a delicate flavor. The absolute best are Raspberry and Blackberry. I love them so much I want to line up everyone I know and hand them a Raspberry Galette, because then they'll really know how much I love them.

Aren't you just dying for a picture? I thought you'd never ask.

My loves, meet the Galettes!*

*I would just like to say that I feel Harry & David have misrepresented the Galettes in this photo. The filling does not run and sag out of the cookie like that, because it's not present in such copious amounts. The filling is very discrete, like your S&M habit. You barely notice it's there and then WAH-ZOW, it adds all the excitement you needed from a cookie.

------In Other News-------

I am conducting a contest! With PRIZES! (Don't ask. Not sure yet. But you'll be happy you got it. I'm not going to give you my nubbified wool socks.)

Rules and Guidelines

1. There will be one question at the end of every post this month. Today there will be two to make up for yesterday.

2. The questions are completely arbitrary and can cover any topic. Some might be trivia, some might use pictures.

3. You should answer only on the day they are asked.

4. Obviously I can't stop you from hunting answers on the internet or wherever. Since I won't know if you did or not I can't punish you. Just remember nobody likes a cheater.

5. Comments will be moderated so that you can't "share" answers. Please put your initials or some other obvious identification with your answer. I will post the comments to the blog the following morning so you can see the other answers.

6. At the end of the month the person with most correct wins the prize.

Any questions?
Onward, then, to the first questions! Consider these a warm-up.

1. What is this?

2. The first McDonald's restaurant was founded in 1955 by Ray Kroc, in the suburbs of which city?


My favorite month

November! Welcome! Doesn't it just sound good? Rich but crisp, like hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick. I think the word is pleasing to the mouth and ears, and the actual month itself is just fantastic. Why am I all gushy about it? The beginning of the month is decorated with the final and most glorious turning of color in the trees. Though there are still plenty of leaves on the trees, if you walk around outside you're ankle-deep in crunchy leafy goodness. By the end of the month all the leaves are gone; winter has made itself known. The plants are preparing for a new beginning, just like the humans.

The eleventh month is a time when people start anticipating the holiday season. A feeling of merriment creeps in, right after the urge to put on gigantic sweaters and cozy socks. It's not bitterly cold like January, but cold enough to make you shiver just thinking of going outside. You start to think about what to get people for Christmas (unless you're my mom, in which case you finished shopping in July) but it's too early to get ansy about it, because you have time.

Summer clothes are stored away - gone are the occasional 70-degree fluke days. December is also one of my favorites because of the holidays, but I find it tends to move slowly because of the anticipation, whereas anticipation propels November. Are you with me? I like November so much I'd name my future child after it. Can you really argue against the coolness of Nova as a nickname?

(Chill. I'm not really going to name my child November. A future dog, perhaps?)

---- In Other News -------

Yep, I'm still going to try to post once a day during this, my favorite month. I have ideas, images, and enough spare time to make this happen. I'm hoping to start each day with a favorite and then leave myself some space to ramble like a Gab Labber should.

The wedding reception is just days away! I'm starting to get a bit jittery about it, and I found out Micah is more nervous than he's been letting on. He's met my parents and a handfull of relatives, but there are approximately 70 people coming that he's never met, whereas I know everyone coming except one of Micah's sisters and two of his work buddies.

This might come as a shock to some because generally I'm not at a loss for words, but I actually consider myself a bit antisocial. I HATE small talk. I HATE trying to find something interesting to say to people that only see a couple times of year. "So, yeah! Go Cards, eh?" will probably escape my mouth more than once. How funny that the most cliche small talk topic will actually be the hottest topic of the night. So there's that.

One dear friend has offered to finagle me a Xanax before the event, but I'm not so sure that's a good idea. I plan on getting my drink on, which might not coordinate so well with a pharmaceutical like Xanax. Sure, I'd be feeling good, but maybe too good. Micah, however? Might be good thing.