
My favorite month

November! Welcome! Doesn't it just sound good? Rich but crisp, like hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick. I think the word is pleasing to the mouth and ears, and the actual month itself is just fantastic. Why am I all gushy about it? The beginning of the month is decorated with the final and most glorious turning of color in the trees. Though there are still plenty of leaves on the trees, if you walk around outside you're ankle-deep in crunchy leafy goodness. By the end of the month all the leaves are gone; winter has made itself known. The plants are preparing for a new beginning, just like the humans.

The eleventh month is a time when people start anticipating the holiday season. A feeling of merriment creeps in, right after the urge to put on gigantic sweaters and cozy socks. It's not bitterly cold like January, but cold enough to make you shiver just thinking of going outside. You start to think about what to get people for Christmas (unless you're my mom, in which case you finished shopping in July) but it's too early to get ansy about it, because you have time.

Summer clothes are stored away - gone are the occasional 70-degree fluke days. December is also one of my favorites because of the holidays, but I find it tends to move slowly because of the anticipation, whereas anticipation propels November. Are you with me? I like November so much I'd name my future child after it. Can you really argue against the coolness of Nova as a nickname?

(Chill. I'm not really going to name my child November. A future dog, perhaps?)

---- In Other News -------

Yep, I'm still going to try to post once a day during this, my favorite month. I have ideas, images, and enough spare time to make this happen. I'm hoping to start each day with a favorite and then leave myself some space to ramble like a Gab Labber should.

The wedding reception is just days away! I'm starting to get a bit jittery about it, and I found out Micah is more nervous than he's been letting on. He's met my parents and a handfull of relatives, but there are approximately 70 people coming that he's never met, whereas I know everyone coming except one of Micah's sisters and two of his work buddies.

This might come as a shock to some because generally I'm not at a loss for words, but I actually consider myself a bit antisocial. I HATE small talk. I HATE trying to find something interesting to say to people that only see a couple times of year. "So, yeah! Go Cards, eh?" will probably escape my mouth more than once. How funny that the most cliche small talk topic will actually be the hottest topic of the night. So there's that.

One dear friend has offered to finagle me a Xanax before the event, but I'm not so sure that's a good idea. I plan on getting my drink on, which might not coordinate so well with a pharmaceutical like Xanax. Sure, I'd be feeling good, but maybe too good. Micah, however? Might be good thing.

1 comment:

ramblingrobot said...

gabba gabba- good for you for blogging everyday for the whole month! you can do it. check out my blog! k-pop! oh yeah, there's new art at smokabe's...look when you have a minute. i like november too, but october is my fave, i like it before it gets too freaking cold!!! love ya-
k dude