
gurgle, sputter (alternately titled "linkin' blogs")

I just wrote a nice post linking to all sorts of blogs and websites that I adore, complete with fawning descriptions that would definitely make you want to go visit. Then I hit "publish" and I FUCKING HATE THE INTERNET SOMETIMES. Error screen. Blogger outage. WHATEVER, IT SUCKS. And I can't bring myself to rewrite in such loving detail because I have homework to do. Bah.

So, here ya go. Skeleton descriptions.

Pop Candy - I don't know why you aren't reading this everyday.

Ruined Music - everyone has a song or two forever ruined because of the history they represent. Here, people spill the reasons why, essay-style.

Snarkywood - Puh-LEAZ go check this out, and don't skip the archives. I wanna be a Snarker.

Cute Overload - if you need a smile on your face PRONTO.

Famous people have blogs too:
Rosie - I love "ask rosie" and looking at her candid pictures
Zach Braff - such great musical taste, so down to earth
Sasha Cohen - shut up and let me have my ice skating idol!

Awesome - a few funny ladies with good taste peruse the internet for great products. Cool, cute, retro, necessary, the gambit. There's a list of links that go to some great off-the-path web stores.
A few bloggers whose writing I love and who always crack my shit up:
City Wendy
Nothing but Bonfires
Mimi Smartypants
Dad Gone Mad
The Random Muse

Go and enjoy. Sometimes it's hard to get into the blogs of people you don't know, and I must say that I've read most of the archives in the forty-something blogs I read daily and it really helps to enjoy them. But the ones that aren't personal blogs are easy to get into...especially Pop Candy and Snarkywood.
A few issues not unrelated to the lack of substance on this blog - I agree with this thought of Cecily's: posting to your blog everyday seriously dilutes it. Usually you have a couple days where ideas roll around in your brain, and when you actually sit down to write it has more substance. Even before I started this challenge I kept thinking that I wasn't happy with the content on my blog. It's usually just a bunch of blabbing about nothing important. I remember when I used to write write, back when I used the word "like" because I was setting up a metaphor, and not because I was trying to convey my own ditsyness. I'm still unsure if I've got the right number of commas and I steadily ignore the rules about not ending a sentence with the word "of" and not starting a sentence with the word "and." I know I'm not trying to win any fuckin' contests with this blog, but every once in awhile I'd like to look at what I wrote and think "damn, that's good."

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