
so thankful

Ohhh. My achin' belly. Most humans aren't made for two Thanksgiving feasts in one day. It's just not natural.

At noon we went to Micah's sister's house in the country, which was actually really fun. His family is extremely hospitable and they all get along really well, much like my family. Whenever people make comments about dreading the drama that comes with family gatherings, I can't relate. Sure, there may be several cousins with whom I've never exchanged more than "hi" and "bye," but I'd take that over bickering any day. Micah's family all seemed genuinely happy to have us there, and I got to see some interesting things, including dear carcasses and a tub full of their half-dried entrails! Yee haw! As I've mentioned, I like to be grossed out, so I examined those carcasses as close as I could without smelling them. I also tried imitation pumpkin Schnapps, and friends, the aftertaste was like liquid pumpkin pie. Takes a second to get past the highlighter-orange color, though.

While I was there I kept wishing Micah's parents were still alive so I could have a chance to know them. You can get a sense of who they were simply by interacting with their five children, but what I wouldn't give to have them around, to see for myself. Micah's siblings are all so much older than he is, so they tend to act parental towards him. He's always been his own man, though.

We left DeSoto with a plate of leftovers, an understandably small bottle of 100 proof tequila, and several pounds of deer meat.

Then I made the mistake of laying down during our brief intermission between family events. I sure as hell didn't want to get up. But I did, because that's what you do.

We went to my cousin Linda's house and ate dinner with my dad's side of the family. Everyone seems to adore Micah, they asked him questions and made him feel welcome. It's amazing how marriage will make your family members take you more seriously. Sad but true, I think. I reminded my brother that we are in a similar situation regarding the continuance of two families - if he doesn't have a male child there will be no more Lueckings, and if I don't have a male child there will be no more Atkinsons. Crazy. I think that freaked him out a little because I'm pretty sure he doesn't have plans for another child.

All in all, it was a great day. Micah and I felt a lot of love. We feel like the Couple of the Year, which is entirely fitting because this has been the best year of my life. I'm so curious to see what the next will bring.

Quick aside - you know how people are always blaming Thanksgiving Day tiredness on the tryptophan in turkey? We watched a show on Nat'l Geographic that says that's not so. All meat has tryptophan in it, and it would take a lot more than even a large serving of turkey to affect you. Tiredness is caused by consuming upwards of 3,000 calories in one day. When you eat that much, digestion requires all of your energy, which causes your organs to slow down to accommodate the energy needs, which makes you tired. Interesting, no?

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