
how very professional

So, I went for my follow up with the dental surgeon on Friday. He wanted to make sure the hole where my tooth used to be was healing correctly. The next step in the procedure is to get an implant (a screw in my jaw) that will have to be in 10-12 weeks, and then I can go in to get fitted for a crown.

The implant procedure is costly and not covered by insurance. My fancy-pants cocky doctor probably doesn't understand the phrase "I cannot afford it right now," or at least that's the impression I got after convincing him that yes, I will be back for the implant! Yes, I realize my jaw will deteriorate and my teeth will shift and it's VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT. Got it.

This is what he says to me at the very end of his speech about why I need to get it sooner than later:

"You don't want a big hoosier hole in your mouth, do you? You're not a hoosier, are you?"

(If you're not from St. Louis..."hoosier" = white trash)


Anonymous said...

so the dentist was trying to use guilt to force you into getting the big hoosier hole filled in your mouth? no, not very professional! he could've taken a religious angle and said it would be filthy and ungod-like, unchristian-like to have an unsightly hole in your face... what an asshole. maybe he thought that triggering a class button would force you to shell out the money immediately to get the work done...i say he's a prick.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't someone with class know better than to say something like that? Funny.

Acinom said...

Hey- found you on the randomizer...

I had a tooth pulled when i lived in another state, doc said the same thing to me (well not the hoosier part) and then I moved here and found a great honest dentist who told me that it's probably not a bad idea to get an implant, but not really necessary. He also explained that as one gets older your teeth tend to shift TOGETHER and that having that spot might actually help that.
The old dentist told me I needed to buy an $200 toothbrush (from him) too, and this one said "go get a $6 spin brush at walmart"

Did I mention I trust and love my new dentist?

Good luck with not turning into a hoosier!