
My favorite lotion

"It puts the lotion on its skin" has got to be one the funniest lines that never gets old.

Wait, wait. Can I say something first?

Only ONE PERSON wants to participate in my lil contest? Really? Hmm. Ok. Well I'll try it for another couple of days and see what happens, and it's quite possible that Sam, whoever he (she?) is, will be getting a prize just for giving it a chance. Be a joiner already!

Perhaps the idea of listening to me ramble about my favorite lotion sounds like the most boring idea for what you'll do in the next five minutes. Or maybe you love hydrated skin and want to hear what I have to say!

This lotion coup is brought to you by Origins.

A Perfect World lotion was given to me as a gift last Christmas. I still have it. Why in the world would I still have some if it's the best lotion around? Because it's the best lotion around! You don't go scarfin' down caviar, do you? You savor. (Or puke, I suppose, but you get the point.)

This lotion is in rotation with some mighty yummy peers, but it manages to surpass the abilities of the common (cheap) lotion so thoroughly that I literally look forward to using it again before I'm even finished applying it. It's best (as the directions will tell you) right after a shower before you're completely dry. It smells like peaches to me, but oddly enough that's nowhere in the description of the product, though it does use this phrase "this creamy-rich, aromatic oasis coddles body skin to noticeable smoothness." Um, yeah it does! Then it says "mimosa sleekens slacking skin-texture so it looks and feels more taut, more toned." I say, these hyphen-loving (ha!) Origins authors should win a poetry contest or something. The alliteration! The personification! It's enough to make me apply for their job.

At $30 a pop, I bet those Origins writers are bankin'. But you know what? Totally worth it. Then again, I didn't pay for it. But I will when it's empty.
------In Other News------
Have you ever had to tie itty bitty bows for hours on end? My eyes and hands, they ache. That's what you get when you decide to take the cheapest route possible and do favors for a party by hand. By yourself. Not that I didn't have options for helpers...I guess I saw it as a challenge, at the completion of which I could feel supremely accomplished. About tying little bows? Egads, girlfriend, have you completely oppressed the butch in you?!
(Shut up. I know it was only like 9% to begin with.)
On with the contest. My sad little contest. But YOU, yes YOU can make it happy!
(Also, I'm no longer going to moderate the comments. Cheat away. Whatever. And I think I'll try two questions a day instead of one.)
1. Who said this?
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
a) Louisa May Alcott
b) Martha Graham
c) Mark Twain
d) Mr. Rogers
2. What do you call a group of otters?
a) a bunch
b) a float
c) a scamp
d) a romp


Anonymous said...

I don't know the first one but the second one is most definitely a romp. I know my fucking otters mama.


Anonymous said...

I know I'm answering late, but give a girl a break!

I thought a group of otters was a float, but I could be wrong. I'm not gonna go look it up, either. I'm anti-that, lol.

Uh, and I'll take a guess at #1, as well. I'll guess D) Mr Rogers, because he rocked my childhood and deserves a vote.

Rashenbo said...

Always nice to find someone that can stick a Silence of the Lambs quote into conversation :)